Hi guys,
Ever since I came back for ESOTU my game has been crashing at random times. It was especially bad the few weeks after Tamriel Unlimited launched, so I decided to uninstall and reinstall/download from scratch. Up until now, it has been crashing at random intervals. The game would just close out and I'd get the crash reporter window. Although it crashes at random intervals, it does happen frequently, like 1-3 times in a 5 hour sitting. As a matter of fact, what made me create this topic in the first place was the game just crashed on me twice in a row (it crashed, I logged back in and it immediately crashed again). I'm really sick and tired of these crashes. I have always thought that it might just be an issue with the game itself and not on my end, but I just want to post here to make sure. I don't know if this game has issues with Windows 8.1, and if that might be the source of the crashing.
Asus P8Z68-V
i5 2500k at 4.5GHz (stable)
GTX 780
16GB RAM DDR3 1600MHz
Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit
Game is being stored on a 3TB WD Black HDD (WD3003FZEX) but the disk has no errors and the SMART data reports healthy values.
I copied the information from the crash reporter, but I don't see anywhere where it describes what the problem is:
eso has stopped working.
version = 0.01
ProductName = eso
Version = eso.live.
branch = live
char.account = apav
char.alliance = 3
char.name = Arrick Stark
client.executablebits = 32
client.mode = inworld
client.renderertype = D3D9
client.session_start_timestamp = 2015-05-31T17:15:46.062Z
client.time_since_load = 73
client.timestamp = 2015-05-31T17:17:28.106Z -frme 5784-
client.uptime = 102.1
computer.name = -snip-
computer.user = -snip-
cpu.arch = 0
cpu.count = 4
cpu.level = 6
cpu.type = 586
data.depotid = 4000
data.dir = D :/Program Files (x86)/Zenimax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online/
data.syncm = databuild
data.version = 0.win.0.live.1164746
exe.buildnum = 1164746
exe.opt = release
exe.reltype = public
exe.type = client
gfx.description =
gfx.deviceid = 4100.662976578.161
gfx.driver = nvd3dum.dll
gfx.vendorid = 4318
globby.address =
globby.port = 24506
loc.wloc = 201 247596 14363 222641 -285.45
loc.world = Stormhaven
loc.worldid = 201
loc.zone = Stormhaven
login.address =
mem.current = 3506
mem.peak = 3539
mem.physical = 16351
os.osbits = 64
os.platform = windows
os.version = 6.2.9200.
ptime = 1
realm.depotid = 0
realm.id = 4000
realm.name = NA Megaserver
reportfield.ver = 3
version.major = 2
version.patch = 0
version.subpatch = 9
For some reason my game keeps reverting to D3D9, despite the fact that I've changed it a few times to D3D11 in the config. Not sure why it keeps doing that. I've also repaired my client and everything came back good. Not sure what the problem could be. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Edited by apav on May 31, 2015 5:45PM