izenkim_ESO wrote: »You missed the opportunity.
So the terms of the offer mean nothing then?
So the terms of the offer mean nothing then?
izenkim_ESO wrote: »
izenkim_ESO wrote: »
Their offer was upon release of the console versions we could transfer...
They didn't satisfy these terms
izenkim_ESO wrote: »
No, their offer was that you'd have an "opportunity" to transfer upon release. You seem to be conveniently ignoring that condition of the offer. The offer does not state that the transfer will happen for everyone who qualifies, but it does state that those who qualify will have the opportunity.
Opportunity being the key word. The opportunity being a one month window. Terms met.
Via a special offer, anyone who purchases and activates the PC/Mac version of The Elder Scrolls Online by 6/30/14 (11:59pm UTC) will have the opportunity to transfer their character(s) to either console version when they are released. The offer will allow you to begin playing immediately on the PC/Mac, and then add the PS4 or Xbox One version and transfer the character(s) you have created and developed. And, you don’t have to pay full price for the game twice. For $20, eligible PC and Mac players will have the option to add a full, digital version of ESO on either the PS4 or the Xbox One with your character transfer(s), and another 30 days of included game time.
Whether you decide to take advantage of this offer or not, we promise to do everything we can to get the game released on both consoles as quickly as we can. We will keep everyone updated with additional details regarding character transfers, specific offer dates, when you can expect console beta to start, and of course, when ESO on consoles will launch.
You had a month they offered you a month to submit your transfer A MONTH. I mean a freaking month, thirty days to submit a form. If it was this important to people you had a month to take care of it. Get over it Zoe was more then generous with their allotment of time given.
izenkim_ESO wrote: »
No, their offer was that you'd have an "opportunity" to transfer upon release. You seem to be conveniently ignoring that condition of the offer. The offer does not state that the transfer will happen for everyone who qualifies, but it does state that those who qualify will have the opportunity.
Opportunity being the key word. The opportunity being a one month window. Terms met.
Caesar Tantalia wrote: »I fully agree with the "opportunity" point of view shared here. They never said you automatically will benefit from the transfer.
What I do find interesting though is the following:
"Please note that if you take part in this offer, your character and account details will not be copied immediately upon pre-purchasing The Elder Scrolls Online"
Immediately ... I would not be surprised if ZOS at a later stage would ad an option to transfer (not copy) your account from PC to console or vice versa. You would of course need to pay the full retail price for the game + whatever fee for the transfer + this would be a transfer (not a copy). I can be wrong though but I do believe adding such a service would be a wise thing to do.
NewBlacksmurf said:
"Please don't cut and paste and tag users unless you're going to post their entire comments and any other comments within the thread."
I have changed this per your request.
I apologize for quoting specifics. The only other part of the terms that I saw that would suggest otherwise is the part that states "Whether you decide to take advantage of this offer or not" which I figured if you bought the game and decided to transfer.
This is just me letting off steam due to the fact I missed the deadline.
Personally, I loved the game and played for about a half a year and was always planning on transferring. I never received the specified email and always thought that transfers were done on the day of release. I believe that people should of received more emails about the transfer. However, that is only my opinion. And everyone is entitled to theirs.
I apologize for cutting and copying at my convenience.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
You're cutting out the rest of the sentence which drastically changes the meaning. Its all one statement in two sentences. You can't separate it and apply a different interpretation....which is what is getting many people upset cause they didn't read it all or are basing their thoughts off partial statements and sentences.
"Please note that if you take part in this offer, your character and account details will not be copied immediately upon pre-purchasing The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for Console with account copy. Keep an eye on your email for more information on the account copy process as well as your digital game code.
For more information on eligibility requirements, transfer restrictions, and redemption instructions please visit help.elderscrollsonline.com."
the help pages specifically states the offer will not be available again.
izenkim_ESO wrote: »The opportunity was made available, it was an e-mailed and covered by game focused media. Those who used the opportunity will be able to transfer to the console version when the console version is released.
You missed the opportunity.
Caesar Tantalia wrote: »NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
You're cutting out the rest of the sentence which drastically changes the meaning. Its all one statement in two sentences. You can't separate it and apply a different interpretation....which is what is getting many people upset cause they didn't read it all or are basing their thoughts off partial statements and sentences.
"Please note that if you take part in this offer, your character and account details will not be copied immediately upon pre-purchasing The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for Console with account copy. Keep an eye on your email for more information on the account copy process as well as your digital game code.
For more information on eligibility requirements, transfer restrictions, and redemption instructions please visit help.elderscrollsonline.com."
the help pages specifically states the offer will not be available again.
You're right about the partial cut (might be misleading - thanks for pointing out) but I wasn't referring to a copy offer. They won't offer a copy anymore, but what about a transfer ... that's what I was talking about.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »thanks for doing this...I know you mean well and I honestly would like you all to be happy too but what I don't want to happen is you I or anyone else to get pulled into suggesting something and causing another miss-interpretation.
best wishes to you!
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Caesar Tantalia wrote: »NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
You're cutting out the rest of the sentence which drastically changes the meaning. Its all one statement in two sentences. You can't separate it and apply a different interpretation....which is what is getting many people upset cause they didn't read it all or are basing their thoughts off partial statements and sentences.
"Please note that if you take part in this offer, your character and account details will not be copied immediately upon pre-purchasing The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for Console with account copy. Keep an eye on your email for more information on the account copy process as well as your digital game code.
For more information on eligibility requirements, transfer restrictions, and redemption instructions please visit help.elderscrollsonline.com."
the help pages specifically states the offer will not be available again.
You're right about the partial cut (might be misleading - thanks for pointing out) but I wasn't referring to a copy offer. They won't offer a copy anymore, but what about a transfer ... that's what I was talking about.
I'm not the all knowing...i just look at this and gather this as a No to your question.
Things could change but as listed, it seems like no.
Will there be another opportunity to purchase the transfer from PC/Mac to console?
Updated 05/21/2015 01:42 PM Published 05/20/2015 03:54 PM
The console transfer was a special offer for eligible players and was available for a period of 30 days, starting on April 9, 2015 and ending on May 9, 2015. There will not be another opportunity to purchase the transfer.
So, I was reading through the comments on another post and I ran across another member talking about the original offer
Via a special offer, anyone who purchases and activates the PC/Mac version of The Elder Scrolls Online by 6/30/14 (11:59pm UTC) will have the opportunity to transfer their character(s) to either console version when they are released. The offer will allow you to begin playing immediately on the PC/Mac, and then add the PS4 or Xbox One version and transfer the character(s) you have created and developed. And, you don’t have to pay full price for the game twice. For 14.99 EUR/12.99 GBP/ 20.00 AUS, eligible PC and Mac players will have the option to add a full, digital version of ESO on either the PS4 or the Xbox One with your character transfer(s), and another 30 days of included game time.
And I realized that in this offer they stated that and I quote directly from the ZOS offer page:
"anyone who purchases and activates the PC/Mac version of The Elder Scrolls Online by 6/30/14 (11:59pm UTC) will have the opportunity to transfer their character(s) to either console version when they are released"
The specifically state:
"When they are released" meaning the console versions and when they are released. And the console versions have not yet been released.
The question here is, that the people who bought this game and planned on switching due to this offer have any grounds due to these specifics written in ZOS's offer.
I am bringing this up due to the fact that I had thought that character transfers were to be done on release day and as I saw this and read the offer that is what ZOS had told us we could do. I am one of the many, many people who hasn't played for a while and did not receive the email and I also never received an email saying that the offer had changed from "when they are released" to a few months before.
How does everyone else feel about this?
izenkim_ESO wrote: »The opportunity was made available, it was an e-mailed and covered by game focused media. Those who used the opportunity will be able to transfer to the console version when the console version is released.
You missed the opportunity.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »izenkim_ESO wrote: »The opportunity was made available, it was an e-mailed and covered by game focused media. Those who used the opportunity will be able to transfer to the console version when the console version is released.
You missed the opportunity.
I never received said email. And I have yet to see anything covered in anything official by ZOS or anything else. This is something I was planning from the beginning.