Thanks for the information. So lets say I am doing questing out in the world and I gather 100 iron better send them to an alt, craft items and then send the crafted items to main for deconstruct? Is that better than craft them myself?
Also, what determines what items you get from hireling? Is that your passive crafting level? eg. Blacksmith I, II, III etc? I guess that way it is better
Here are some hints to researching Traits.
1. You only need to know 2 to 3 traits to start making some powerful crafted gear. Most of my VR characters use a 3 Trait set. The amount of time to learn a trait doubles for the second one, doubles again for the third etc. So, learn the two traits on each piece you will want to craft first before learning the third traits. Learn the third before learning the 4th. The best crafted sets in the game only require 6 traits, so don't start chasing the 7th and 8th traits until you know the 6th traits in all the things you want to craft.
2. Unlock the Research Passive to allow for more items to be researched in less time
3. The most useful traits on armor are Infused, Divines and Impenetrable. Nirn is good, but you need 20,000+ gold to even play on that table (to buy the trait stones). For weapons, Precise and Sharpened are the way to go. Training is good for anything. So concentrate on those traits first and foremost before researching the other ones.
4. Get the Addon Research Assistant so you don't deconstruct or sell something you need to research.
5. If you can't get the item you want for research from loot, then buy it in a guild store. Items made to be researched sell between 200 and 500 gold, try to find the cheaper ones. You can even find them less. It does not matter what level the item is, just that it has the traits that you want. Awesome Guild Store addon can help you find specific traited items.
6. If the item does not have a trait you need, or one your going to soon research, deconstruct it. You get crafting experience to level the craft line and you get trait stones and other things to make stuff with.
7. Join a Guild like Lone Wolf Help or similar as we run crafting nights where we make traited items for people to research. Even not on the crafting night, we will make something for a guildmate. If you want an invite, email me in game.
Wow, lot of great things here. Thanks a lot. Sadly i am going to play on console so probably i need to find another guild Nestor..