Compilation of all the CP not working.

Can we have a compilation list of the CP currently not working?

We already know that the "resistant" tree that reduces critical damage taken also reduces your *own* critical heals...
  • Dositheus
    Last I heard the armor bonus tree's for armor type dont' actually seem to reduce damage at all. Although they may in fact make the armor amount look higher on your character screen. IE, put 0 points in, get hit and look at the damage you take, and then put 20 points in and look... and from what I've been informed it doesn't reduce the damage you take at all.
  • Sacadon
    Spell Shield doesn't mitigate the non-elemental skills of a sorc (all the testing I've done so far).
  • Valymer
    I asked this question a while back but got no responses. Good luck.

    I have a feeling that the list would be surprisingly long however
  • Wreuntzylla
    There was a thread where someone said armor penetration was actually increasing resistance instead of lowering it...
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