This is my
OPINION on how this game should of been made.
There is no denying that Elder Scrolls Online did not live up to its expectation during its launch and I still don't feel the game is living up to the series expectation which will in my opinion, will result in a lot of disappointing fans on its initial launch on the next generation console as people are going to expect Skyrim online or something like that.
This is coming from a person who have played Morrowind, Oblivion and with over 1000 hours in Skyrim + a mod creator. I play Skyrim with mods and in my opinion, Skyrim is already a 10/10 game and with mods, its like 100/10.
What the developer should of look upon when developing this game is really look into why people LOVE the Elder Scroll Series. Perhaps they did but I refuse to believe this as the game turns out to be almost nothing like the Elder Scroll series. Its like a paint and I know a lot of you guys are gonna say that its unfair to compare this game to a single player game but being an MMO has its advantage to. The fact that you could play with your friends... fight against other players.. and more. WOW
Skyrim is fun because the quest were fun and when I play the quest on Skyrim, the stories and game play just makes me want to play the game. And ESO quest to me just seems like a chore to do which makes me not want to do them. The quest is like any other MMORPG quest out there. Go here, do this, go to this guy, then do this and that. There is very little to make you believe its different and I do appreciate the voice acting. ESO has a wealth of quest, even more than Skyrim for sure but I just prefer quality over quantity. I would rather this game release with medium amount of GREAT story driven and beautifully laid out quest than abundant mediocre quest that just seems like you're doing the same quest over and over again.
2.) Graphics
Graphics should of been beautiful. I can't understand how people can say this game has beautiful graphics, I just can't. It is an MMORPG yes but there are MMOS out there that have far better graphics than that of Skyrim itself such as Black Desert Online. I understand that MMO needs to appeal to large crowd out there, and that is the reason why it can't have good graphics but... it should of been flexible. If a computer can't handle the extreme graphics, they could put it at the lowest graphical setting!
3.) Developer should of looked at some of the popular mods on Skyrim and think "why is it popular?"
They really should. Modding is a big part of the Elder Scrolls community and developers should of gotten an idea of what to implement into ESO from just modding alone. For example is the dodge combat system that allows characters to body dodge. No I'm not talking about the roll dodge that we have in this game, I really meant your body moving to dodge an attack from an enemy swing. Or a mod that enables Skyrim to have more of a real sounding sword swing to make the game feel more heavy and real. Like every attack feels like you're actually swinging that sword. Heck Bethesda could do it! They adding housing system into the game because they saw that there was a popular player owned house mod.
Or Revenge of the Enemy mod that enables monsters to be smarter than the default Skyrim AI.
4.) Game play
Should of been more like Skyrim. You can't forward power attack or backward power attack in this game, its just 5 buttons that you click. Skyrim is a lot harder than this game. When your fighting a giant in Skyrim, you're fighting a GIANT in Skyrim. An enemy that could swing its weapon and freaking send you 10 feet flying in the air. What I'm trying to say is this game should of been somewhat challenging but it isn't. Its easy and feels like I'm playing a difficulty easier than easy.
Overall You need to understand that I wanted this game to be successful I really did. Supported this game from day 1 when it was announce! Supported it on YouTube. When I first heard of ESO, my heart was pounding. I love Elder Scrolls and I love MMO so this was literally the thing that I needed but it just didn't turn out to be what people expected.
If the developer is planning to make Elder Scrolls Online 2, then I really hope it will be more like the Elder Scroll series. If you think about it, there is nothing wrong with Skyrim online. They could simply put the difficulty on some quest a lot harder to encourage team play.