post build pls, want to be "OP" to
Psychobunni wrote: »What would be awesome is if ZOS got a player team together (obviously volunteer), made up of a couple PVP players from each class that we knowledgeable about their class and PVP and could gently provide the help the "I died, nerf it" player is in need of.
I mean, thats what it boils down too 99% of the time, so take a negative and make it positive....idk, don't/won't pvp
As i mentioned in other thread, balance threads (not only nerf it but also buff it) should be aviable only for those who reached certain Alliance War rank (e.g. 30) on at least two clasess.
Moonshadow66 wrote: ».. I go and try these overpowered skills.
I looove my new builds, so.. a big thanks to the complainers
As i mentioned in other thread, balance threads (not only nerf it but also buff it) should be aviable only for those who reached certain Alliance War rank (e.g. 30) on at least two clasess.
Moonshadow66 wrote: ».. I go and try these overpowered skills.
I looove my new builds, so.. a big thanks to the complainers
I was really hoping to see a meme when I clicked on the thread title... but hey, that comment is almost just as good
..Unfortunately I don't see many "please nerf Templar XXX" except for jesus beam.. no new build for me.
Ourorboros wrote: »Now see, this thread is a perfect example why we need LOL button back. I got a good chuckle out of this, thanks OP.
This thread is OP, ZoS nerf it to Oblivion kthx.
olemanwinter wrote: »As i mentioned in other thread, balance threads (not only nerf it but also buff it) should be aviable only for those who reached certain Alliance War rank (e.g. 30) on at least two clasess.
^. X1000
or have to have some experience in the class you are discussing/trying to nerf.
I was talking to a guy the other day...a VR14 who was always "getting seen while crouching" and thought it was a "nightblade thing"
He thought the NB were so OP because of the "stealthing/UNSTEALTHING" thing they could do.
VR14 complaining about OP NB thinks every time someone uses a detect pot it's a NB using some special skill.
As a NB, who's entire class revolves around something every class can do...and every class can break with a potion...I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.
Talons, random Fire skill, Dragon Blood, Impulse, (Random buff or heal) - Ulti Standard or Dragon Leap
Just place a resto staff, Shieldstack, heals, use Overload, and be happy.
Jezzuz Beem, healz, healz, healz, healz, - Ulti healz
Surprise Attack, Killer's Blade, Dark Cloak (self purge), Ambush, Camouflaged Hunter - Ulti Incapacitating Strike
Off bar (Oh *** buttons) Mass Hysteria, Dark Shade *any morph*, Dark Cloak, Elusive Mist, relentless focus (for stamina regen and infinit rolling) - Ulti anything.
Did i du right?
MercyKilling wrote: »Everytime I see a "Class X is overpowered - nerf it!" thread..
I'll shoot a kitten?
olemanwinter wrote: »This is why I can't stand to get into Teamspeak with anyone anymore. It's all b1t@ching about everything being OP.
Well, the O in OP stands for OVER. So if everything is OP....then it's all just P. Everything can't be OVERpowered.
- Bow damage in general
- Two handed damage in general
- Sorc bolt escape
- Sorc shields
- NB cloak
- Fear
- Radient Destruction
- Templar Self Heals
- Fossiliza
- Meteor
- Batswarm
- Wrecking Blow
- Nirn trait
- Sorc mines
- etc. etc. etc...
I agree with a few of those....but I'm just sick of how every single thing in the game is OP to someone. Play some alts and get some clarity!