I was going to tick all of the above, but the Time to Kill is brilliant and here is why.
Last night I was outside BRK last night and met up with an EP DK, we fought for about 5-6 minutes, not a duel but it sure as hell felt like one. Close in build and close in Level, so it was all about skill. Because we were so close to the AD occupied keep, an AD player came into the fray, thankfully that AD player saw that we were having a great fight and while he/she intervened at the start, they did pull back and let us continue. I tips my lid to that AD player, thankyou for letting us continue.
So we kept at it for another 5 minutes, then an EP sorc came out from nowhere spamming frags... :sigh: and while the DK and I were evenly matched, I couldn't 1v2 at that time. Anyway, the TTK is great, it let's you actually fight another player, not face roll your opponent in 1.25 seconds in Vet.
Because I don't have a Veteran Ranked hero so I figured I should stay out of Veteran Ranked PVP until I do.
BB is AMAZINGLY fun though. It really tests players' skills instead of their min/maxed gear.
Last night I was solo ganking around Roe (I think) and came across another DCer who was probably doing the same thing but was caught by a group of 3 AD. I jumped into the action and we ended up killing all 3 of the AD and another 2-3 more that came as backup before we were laid to rest by overwhelming numbers. SO MUCH FUN.
I wish I could remember the name of my DC partner in battle because he was a damn good player.
Last night I was solo ganking around Roe (I think) and came across another DCer who was probably doing the same thing but was caught by a group of 3 AD. I jumped into the action and we ended up killing all 3 of the AD and another 2-3 more that came as backup before we were laid to rest by overwhelming numbers. SO MUCH FUN.
I wish I could remember the name of my DC partner in battle because he was a damn good player.
Because I don't have a Veteran Ranked hero so I figured I should stay out of Veteran Ranked PVP until I do.
BB is AMAZINGLY fun though. It really tests players' skills instead of their min/maxed gear.
Last night I was solo ganking around Roe (I think) and came across another DCer who was probably doing the same thing but was caught by a group of 3 AD. I jumped into the action and we ended up killing all 3 of the AD and another 2-3 more that came as backup before we were laid to rest by overwhelming numbers. SO MUCH FUN.
I wish I could remember the name of my DC partner in battle because he was a damn good player.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »I was going to tick all of the above, but the Time to Kill is brilliant and here is why.
Last night I was outside BRK last night and met up with an EP DK, we fought for about 5-6 minutes, not a duel but it sure as hell felt like one. Close in build and close in Level, so it was all about skill. Because we were so close to the AD occupied keep, an AD player came into the fray, thankfully that AD player saw that we were having a great fight and while he/she intervened at the start, they did pull back and let us continue. I tips my lid to that AD player, thankyou for letting us continue.
So we kept at it for another 5 minutes, then an EP sorc came out from nowhere spamming frags... :sigh: and while the DK and I were evenly matched, I couldn't 1v2 at that time. Anyway, the TTK is great, it let's you actually fight another player, not face roll your opponent in 1.25 seconds in Vet.
Commenting on the bolded stuff...
I agree with the overall sentiment, but you got these bits wrong. Duels in Vet between skilled players take far far longer than in the non-Vet. Skilled duelists slug it out for 10 - 20+ minutes at times because with +1.6k regen on core attribute (stam or mag) and pots you never run out of juice. That means it takes pretty much a mistake from one to get killed by the other.
The problem is with burst on unsuspecting targets. You fight a Sorc and out comes a NB (for example) with Snipe + Ambush + Incapacitating to land 35k on you in 1" and it's gg and goodnight. Or you fight a melee dude and off the side a Sorc hits you with a Frag crit and Fury proc and you get 25k in 1" and it's the same story.
1v1s are not the problem, because you can negate the burst from 1 person if you see them coming. If you DON'T see them coming though the burst is so high you can get killed in under 1".
cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »how about more people who dont know what the hell is going on so you can wtf pwn everybody... what thats not an option?
cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »how about more people who dont know what the hell is going on so you can wtf pwn everybody... what thats not an option?
on a side note, I made a magicka NB:D who will soon come into BB and kill Ezareth multiple times(I hope) as well as anyone else I can get my hands on.
Because I don't have a Veteran Ranked hero so I figured I should stay out of Veteran Ranked PVP until I do.
BB is AMAZINGLY fun though. It really tests players' skills instead of their min/maxed gear.
Last night I was solo ganking around Roe (I think) and came across another DCer who was probably doing the same thing but was caught by a group of 3 AD. I jumped into the action and we ended up killing all 3 of the AD and another 2-3 more that came as backup before we were laid to rest by overwhelming numbers. SO MUCH FUN.
I wish I could remember the name of my DC partner in battle because he was a damn good player.
There are a lot of great DC players on BWB right now ( ;