Please comment if u dont have any problems when soloing quest in pve but when you group up you start getting loading problems, in and out of dungeons, houses, from shrine to shrine etc.
i have some friend that plays together from time to time, 10+ players. the problem is that we all can do pve alone without any loading issues but when we group up and do quest together we start getting this hang/crash in loadingscreen.
i did report this first for some month ago and ended up with user error as an answear from zenimax, back then i did have some trouble with my internet so i almost think it could be the reason, but why did my friends also have this trouble?
well we started to do solo stuff and pvp but now we are back in pve and ofc this user error are back to. New report to zenimax and still the same answear from them, this is user error. the connection are the problem, open ports etc, but again, do we all have this problem?
BTW i did open ports, i did disable my firewall and deleted internet sceurity and virus scan just to see, same user error still.....
this problem cant be a server issue? when more people trying to do the same thing the server cant handle the stuff? or bad coding? or any other way ZENIMAX side error?
why is it so easy to blame error like this on the users?
Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.