drschplatt wrote: »There have been several times when I was doing landscape mob grinding and another player showed up in the same area. We happily grouped together and then had a grand old time chatting while we ground exp. We played the way we wanted to play in a way that was fun. Then, a third person showed up and even though it's a bit of an exp hit, we grouped with that person too and continued to chat, shoot the breeze and grind. Then a fourth or fifth showed up and sadly it just ruined the whole idea because it was no longer worth anyone's time to grind with such a large group. So, our fun, social gaming process broke up and we went our separate ways. It's a shame i a MMO that something like this has to happen.
I really wish we could easily group up, like in Rift for example. You can just hit 'join public group' and poof! happily kill things together. I wonder how many of the so called leechers are just used to other MMOs that allow, no encourage grouping and don't even realize they are leeching
I really wish we could easily group up, like in Rift for example. You can just hit 'join public group' and poof! happily kill things together. I wonder how many of the so called leechers are just used to other MMOs that allow, no encourage grouping and don't even realize they are leeching
I am against anything that removes any part of the social aspect of this MMO. I've played MMOs that have convenience features like what you describe (and a lot more) and it completely removes the human element.
You should have to talk to someone to group with them. Its already really easy, just hit "invite to group" not hard.
I love this game. So much so that I've made a ton of different characters. I have no desire to do all the quests again so I decide (Like TONS of others) that I'm just going to grind my way up. I am aware that having a group of two in a group raises your experience a bit, but the multitude of players outside of the group still makes this a hair pulling issue.
Why does the experience have to be so completely destroyed by other players? If they do just a little damage to the mobs you are grinding they cut your exp by 1/4. If they do more damage, then you get less then half. THIS MAKES ME RESENT AND HATE ANY OTHER PLAYER THAT IS NEAR ME. And I'm POSITIVE that they hate me even more, especially judging by the whispers.
Not only does this deteriorate the leveling experience, but it rewards bad manners and AoE Leechers, and now with free to play THEY ARE EVERYWHERE; EVERY GOOD GRIND SPOT
Don't you want a socially healthy game? Aren't you aware that the veteran grind is the worst part of ESO? WHY MAKE IT WORSE? Why not give full experience if you do at least 1/4 of the mobs health in damage? REWARD players for working together.
The biggest argument against this is that players will take advantage of it and level too fast. What is the problem with that? Players will have a good time leveling characters quickly (through the horrible VR grind) and maybe even make new friends along the way. Sounds HORRIBLE...
I love this game. So much so that I've made a ton of different characters. I have no desire to do all the quests again so I decide (Like TONS of others) that I'm just going to grind my way up. I am aware that having a group of two in a group raises your experience a bit, but the multitude of players outside of the group still makes this a hair pulling issue.
Why does the experience have to be so completely destroyed by other players? If they do just a little damage to the mobs you are grinding they cut your exp by 1/4. If they do more damage, then you get less then half. THIS MAKES ME RESENT AND HATE ANY OTHER PLAYER THAT IS NEAR ME. And I'm POSITIVE that they hate me even more, especially judging by the whispers.
Not only does this deteriorate the leveling experience, but it rewards bad manners and AoE Leechers, and now with free to play THEY ARE EVERYWHERE; EVERY GOOD GRIND SPOT
Don't you want a socially healthy game? Aren't you aware that the veteran grind is the worst part of ESO? WHY MAKE IT WORSE? Why not give full experience if you do at least 1/4 of the mobs health in damage? REWARD players for working together.
The biggest argument against this is that players will take advantage of it and level too fast. What is the problem with that? Players will have a good time leveling characters quickly (through the horrible VR grind) and maybe even make new friends along the way. Sounds HORRIBLE...
So a socially healthy game for you is a game where only the person who tags a mob gets credit for it? Oh boy, you sure never played WOW, else you wouldn't think like that.
The ESO system is awesome as it allows people to play together at all times. The tag system that you want destroys that feeling and causes a lot of hate and anger.
Nobody likes to wait for a mob to spawn and then being stolen by another player who just had a better tag mechanism for their class.
drschplatt wrote: »There have been several times when I was doing landscape mob grinding and another player showed up in the same area. We happily grouped together and then had a grand old time chatting while we ground exp. We played the way we wanted to play in a way that was fun. Then, a third person showed up and even though it's a bit of an exp hit, we grouped with that person too and continued to chat, shoot the breeze and grind. Then a fourth or fifth showed up and sadly it just ruined the whole idea because it was no longer worth anyone's time to grind with such a large group. So, our fun, social gaming process broke up and we went our separate ways. It's a shame i a MMO that something like this has to happen.
I really wish we could easily group up, like in Rift for example. You can just hit 'join public group' and poof! happily kill things together. I wonder how many of the so called leechers are just used to other MMOs that allow, no encourage grouping and don't even realize they are leeching
I am against anything that removes any part of the social aspect of this MMO. I've played MMOs that have convenience features like what you describe (and a lot more) and it completely removes the human element.
You should have to talk to someone to group with them. Its already really easy, just hit "invite to group" not hard.
zeitzbachrwb17_ESO wrote: »But outside that, the whole point of partying in MMO has always been for something too hard to do alone (like in Ragnarok) or just raid/dungeon in general.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »You have to cut down the exp if you group more people as it's easier.
firstdecan wrote: »They only want you 'riding the rollercoaster' which means most of what will be rewarding for your character is playing the single player quest lines over and over. They're interesting enough the first time, but after several iterations of running places and pressing 'e' it's a little boring. It's really just crappy game design which only appeals to people who are extremely obsessive and borderline mentally ill.
Back to the "leeching" argument...
I leveled as a tank, and didn't realize such a thing existed. I saw a sorc running around, grabbing a group of adds and aoe them down as I was doing a quest in the area, a few minutes later, he died pulling a big group. I rezzed him and got a PM of "thanks". He continued to pull huge groups and this time I "helped him out" by throwing some AoEs on the group to burn them down. I got more xp in that one clump than I got in the last 2 quests I did combined, and thought this was amazing!
A few seconds later, I got another PM from him saying "f**k off, find your own grind spot".
For new players, when you kill something, see xp, and glowy bodies, you think you are doing something good. The mechanics behind this, combined with the painful vet leveling makes me dislike seeing other players anywhere near where I am doing anything.
I guess you didn't get the memo? They don't want you to grind at all. Period. So why would they give you more XP for tagging a mob? They have nerfed every grind spot in the game so be thankful they haven't implemented even worse mechanics like diminishing XP on mob kills. Sorry but I guess you should get back to questing through Glenumbra on your 4th alt.
cgipervert wrote: »The world is NOT yours (MMOG). Deal with it.