Proximity Detonation 25k Nuke

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I have 30k spell res...

I use 3 pieces of nirn armour all gold all the rest impen, 2 peice heavy 5 medium all gold items too...

This seem a really high number for an aoe attack....?
  • Imdrefan
    Stacking spell damage and penetration will get you this. And your death recap talks about being marked, so your spell resist will not help you there.
    Edited by Imdrefan on May 6, 2015 2:32AM
    Drefan - VR14 AD Templar
    Dark Flare to the Face
  • Cody
    you were marked, meaning you lost about 5Kish spell resistance.

    combine that with the insane damage people can get.... this is not really TO surprising... though i agree 25K is....interesting.
  • Bouvin

    I have 30k spell res...

    I use 3 pieces of nirn armour all gold all the rest impen, 2 peice heavy 5 medium all gold items too...

    This seem a really high number for an aoe attack....?

    Possibly got hit by more than 1 from same player?
  • kendellking_chaosb14_ESO
    No even with a mark that's just 5k from 30 so he still had 25k spell resistance that could easily one shot someone without 25k spell resistance
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    For the King of Argonia
    May Sithis hold back his Void
  • pppontus
    Soul harvest grants 20% extra damage as well doesn't it? Stack that with some spell power buff, probably dual wield and max spell damage setup with 40K magicka. Just another case of ridiculous damage stacking on account of #tamrielunlimitedpvpimbalance

  • olsborg
    Cody wrote: »
    you were marked, meaning you lost about 5Kish spell resistance.

    combine that with the insane damage people can get.... this is not really TO surprising... though i agree 25K is....interesting.

    Actually major breach is calculated before nirn, so your nirn will increase your resist with much less, so he effectively probably lost something like 10k resist instead of the tooltipped 5k.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Dositheus
    Damn, that's pretty awesome. I was hit by an 18k prox det and I was like... "ok, that's absurd". 25K? Man, that's awesome sauce. Makes me wish I was a magika build at times heh. There are so many goodies.
  • Bashev
    Dositheus wrote: »
    Damn, that's pretty awesome. I was hit by an 18k prox det and I was like... "ok, that's absurd". 25K? Man, that's awesome sauce. Makes me wish I was a magika build at times heh. There are so many goodies.
    This is a skill which was supposed to be used against Zerg. Unfortunately only magicka users can use it against the zerg, another brilliant decisions from ZoS.
    Because I can!
  • Gravord
    Huge design fail. Ability that suppose to be effective against zergs becoming guarantee kill on single target, ridiculous. Wreck blow/crystal frag/suprise attack/whip and any other "best" single target skills doesnt go anywhere close with dmg as this aoe.
    Edited by Gravord on May 6, 2015 10:16AM
  • Zargorius
    Enjoy the removal of soft caps :wink:
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • eliisra
    Bashev wrote: »
    This is a skill which was supposed to be used against Zerg. Unfortunately only magicka users can use it against the zerg, another brilliant decisions from ZoS.

    What's even more unfortunate, this skill is even more effective in the hands of a large raid. Pretty much all counters to break up big groups, have ended up being adopted by blobs.

    By all means, I also want my stam builds to get more options and variety badly. But if you give that skill a stamina morph you also hand the stamina dps in a large raid(which is like 50% of them or more) access to both Steel Tornado(best PBAoE) and Detonation. The synergy between those skills would be insanely OP, you have high AoE burst and AoE execute.

    Topic: I was hit once for 11k by Denotation and figured that was really hard lol. But I guess being a bit of a purge-bot, I'm always at 50% spell mits and have a fair amount of points in The Lady. I'm assuming that player was debuffed somehow? Because those numbers are insane. There's no way you get hit so hard unless your mitigations are down, combined with berserk + empower and crit dmg stacking. But even than, it's to much dmg. All this stacking of dps buffs, it needs to go die somewhere.
  • C0pp3rhead
    The replies from @pppontus, @Cody, & @olsborg make good points - You were marked and soul harvested. The debuffs combined with a high spellpower could easily result in such numbers.
    "Things which are alike in nature grow to look alike, and the speaking stones have lain a long time lookin' at the sun. Some believe they descend with the lightning, but I believe they are on the ground and are projected downward by the bolt."

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    Vehemence - - Valhalla's Guard
  • byrom101b16_ESO
    Unless there is a stamina equivalent level of burst somewhere, this magicka ability needs a nerf.

    I hate 'no-skill-required' abilities, and this is worse than the other contenders.

    However, the whole new and iinsane SR meta with armour = spell resistance (for free) and nirnhoned-trait-performance-leetism means this is in the game due to easily achieved high levels of mitigation.

    Instead of backing away from high numbers on damage and mitigation, Zenimax have gone with the Arms Race approach that usually fails in precisely this manner, MMO after MMO after MMO...

    If spike damage is too high, you lower it - you don't put in super-mitigation and super-mitigation penetration and add extra HP buffs to PvP to further compensate. It's over complicated and prone to min-maxing and unintended results.

    So - that's where we are due to the wrong-footed design decisions of Zenimax...

    ... again...
    Edited by byrom101b16_ESO on May 6, 2015 12:06PM
  • BRogueNZ
    Wasn't flung at you by an emperor by any chance? Would be the only time I've seen one that high.
  • Kupoking
    Wait until ppl are at 1000+ cp.
  • maryriv

    I have 30k spell res...

    I use 3 pieces of nirn armour all gold all the rest impen, 2 peice heavy 5 medium all gold items too...

    This seem a really high number for an aoe attack....?

    Supposedly nirnhoned is so "broken" 1 pc should negate all the damage.
  • Snit
    Does Prox Det scale that much higher than its ranged equivalent, Magicka Detonation? I'm built for spell power, and I've never seen anything close to that.

    Proximity Detonation + Dragon Leap are one heck of a combo punch.
    Edited by Snit on May 6, 2015 2:01PM
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Dositheus
    Snit wrote: »
    Does Prox Det scale that much higher than its ranged equivalent, Magicka Detonation? I'm built for spell power, and I've never seen anything close to that.

    Proximity Detonation + Dragon Leap are one heck of a combo punch.

    I'm not sure of the scaling difference, but I've definitely been hit a lot harder by Prox Det than inev det or whatever. I was in a group that was hit with Fire ring (4k), fire ring (4k) and then Prox det (18k) by a sorc with shields out the ass. We all dropped dead in a pile at his feet heh. I have to admit, it was a pretty crazy stunt to watch. He literally streaked into the middle of us, hit the fire ring twice, and the det went off and we all exploded. His shields were high enough the 6 of us couldn't kill him fast enough before he gibbed us. And he was smart, since all of the stuff negated dodge roll. IE, all aoe.
  • Fysh
    Soul Shriven

    I have 30k spell res...

    I use 3 pieces of nirn armour all gold all the rest impen, 2 peice heavy 5 medium all gold items too...

    This seem a really high number for an aoe attack....?

    if you build around spell pen you can get somewhere between 15k-22/23k.

    that and spell damage prolly why he hit you so hard
  • Antirob
    Spell pen and harvest got ya.
    Antirob - Dragonknight
  • nothing2591
    Here is how you get this as a nightblade : be khajit or wood elf for + stealth dmg, put all champ points into crit dmg and magic damage use soulharvest and make sure that detonations blows up while you are in stealth. very fun build but useless if there are steath detect or caltrops on the ground. but 25k must be emperor or something with 2900 spell damage in stealth ive never seen a hit higher than 18k.
    VR16 nb rank 28 svampenn
  • Francescolg
    Damage is outta control since the last patch but also some classes's burst potential is too high. Nothing should hit you for that much from stealth. The counterargument will be that all classes can do that bust damage from stealth but in this case it is AoE damage.. Imagine 3 NBs wiping a raid with it (oh no, it is already happening) :disappointed:
    Edited by Francescolg on May 9, 2015 12:35PM
  • PikkonMG
    I got 49k spell resist, Well over cap, and I get hit all the time for 30k to 40k from shooting star, 15k to 20k from crystal frags, and 15k+ from proximity detonation. Game right now is just really unbalance. This doesn't count points I have into the champion system.
    Edited by PikkonMG on May 10, 2015 3:07PM
  • Lyzaaa
    guys.. its a nightblade they're build to 1shot u and get away .. its balanced.

  • Mayrael
    Solution is simple for this skill. Dmage based on amount of enemies hit. Its antizerg skill, shouldnt be used against single players.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

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  • Jitterbug
    You should probably just spend some magicka to activate combat abilities...
  • Septimus_Magna
    This is probably caused by multiple factors.
    -major breach debuff + high spell penetration
    -First casting liquid lighting which increases damage by 20%
    -Entropy, major sorcery buff, increasing spell damage by 20%
    -might of the guild passive +20% damage
    (-possibly emperor with huge magicka pool)

    Damage is stacked, spell penetration is high, your spell resist is low and you can get hit for huge damage numbers. I see the same happening with cfrags, if you know how to stack damage buffs you can crit on non-blocking targets for 15k on a regular basis, even with a sustain build with only 1.9k spell damage buffed.

    Most times this can be prevented by Cleanse and blocking or by simply moving out of the prox detonation circle.
    PC - EU (AD)
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  • Mayrael
    Not exactly, even when i had like 25k spell resist i was hit for 15k and this not about insane damge cause there are more powerful skills, its because how it works. Someone can cast it on him self and then ambush you, hit you with normal skills and than boom youre dead in less than 2s.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Dositheus
    If I was a magika NB, I'd probably play around with it myself.
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