Mkay.. as an old DAoC player where we didn't have a score and the fight was more about realm pride and keeping the enemy out of your home land, not about some artificial number.. I'm not interested in the number at all, was wondering how other people felt about it.
It seems the "number" is too easy to manipulate and rather meaningless. Ofcourse, in Cyrodiil there isn't really something like a home land, ie your realm's piece of the world.
That's because players in ESO are too busy following the buff servers to ever have loyalty.
I wonder.. does anybody actually care about these?
Darklord_Tiberius wrote: »
The problem all stems from how this PvP is structured. People do not really care about the objectives because of a few reasons:
1. Enemy zergs the map with locked pop whilst the other 2 pops have medium or below (aka Night capping; every faction is guilty of this).
2. Other than a few thousand more gold, there is no point to winning a campaign.
3. Massive lag when fighting on objectives with player numbers of 200+.
On top of this, there are a few PvP guilds on NA server, that could care less about the health and quality of the PvP in this game. Since the start of this game, they have exploited and cheated just to win. This has severely damaged the health and prestige of what this games PvP could be and should have been.
Until ZOS addresses these issues and restructures everything, PvP in ESO will suffer sadly.
Sure do. I think those that don't care and only farm AP are a blight and ruin the spirit of the competition. They're taking up valuable space in competitive campaigns and bring the rest of their faction down for their own selfish gains.
Darklord_Tiberius wrote: »On top of this, there are a few PvP guilds on NA server, that could care less about the health and quality of the PvP in this game. Since the start of this game, they have exploited and cheated just to win. This has severely damaged the health and prestige of what this games PvP could be and should have been.
Until ZOS addresses these issues and restructures everything, PvP in ESO will suffer sadly.
rfennell_ESO wrote: »macro spamming cheaters
Players did have actual realm pride in DAOC but that doesn't exist in games anymore. "Realm Pride" is a term used sarcastically to mock players who seem to be taking pvp "too srsly".
@rfennell_ESO you think I cheat and macro? ..
Call me stupid.. but.. what exactly do you mean by this?!
I'm not sure what exactly benefits from macroing in this game, unless people are using multiple accounts and have a couple of heal bots spamming heals?!
@rfennell_ESO still wondering what you exactly mean by macro spamming cheaters
@rfennell_ESO you think I cheat and macro? ..
Darklord_Tiberius wrote: »
Sorcs are notorious for using macros. Templars and DKs not so much due to the fact we are a brute class and do not have the luxury of skipping away with blink and twinkling fairy dust everywhere. I have seen a few NB Macros done out of stealth.
rfennell_ESO wrote: »Regardless of who people want to blame for cheating, it doesn't change the fact that the cheating is an issue.
True, but I also thing the issues regularly get blown out of proportions.. remember the Champion Points, the number that "some" people supposedly had accrued went up by 50 every time it was mentioned on these forums.
Happens on all game forums ofcourse. We haven't had a good RADAR accusation thread yet, so my guess is that one will be next :-)