If Teleport Strike is indeed "instant", then why on earth can I still get stunned or CCed during the animation?? It just doesn't make sense.
It's literally the only "instant" ability in game that you can't block while using it. Even when I'm holding block right before I use Teleport Strike, I'm not blocking during the animation.
Just when I thought Teleport Strike FINALLY doesn't have a cast time, nope it's EXACTLY the same as it was before.
Either change it back to having a cast time in the tooltip or fix the animation please.
It's really pissing me off the amount of times I get uppercutted during the Teleport Strike animation and get 2 shot killed by it because I couldn't break out of it in time and because I DON'T EXPECT TO GET STUNNED during the animation....
If it really is instant, then make it instant please. Thanks.
Edited by jonathanonmarsnrb18_ESO on May 1, 2015 7:28PM