c.p.garrett1993_ESO wrote: »Nope. Black seems to be exclusive to only a handful of races.
I wanted to give my Altmer black hair, to provide contrast to the pale, human-like skin. I could not do so.
I then wanted to try red, which is a lore-friendly Altmer hair color. Seems to be the only option is an orange-ish color. I think females may have a slightly more "red" option but I am not sure.
I really wish they would just keep the colors the same for them all.
They've ditched racial hair styles but added race exclusive hair colors... Why?
I wish a Nords could have hair/ beard styles like those in Skyrim. I would be more interested in playing one.
Same with the other races. I would like exclusive hair styles, not colors.
Yeah some exclusive styles would make sense (barring people complaining that they want their Breton to have the same beard a Nord can have). I am surprised Imperials don't have black hair, but not that Altmer's do not.
Yeah some exclusive styles would make sense (barring people complaining that they want their Breton to have the same beard a Nord can have). I am surprised Imperials don't have black hair, but not that Altmer's do not.
DLC? No no this game no longer provides additional content to the players. Just crown shop stuff now lmfao!
Really? I guess my friend who plays an Imperial has dark brown hair then. It looked like black on my screen, but maybe I'm just not that picky when it comes to colour.
I'm fine with certain colours not being available to certain races. It makes sense from a genetics perspective.
c.p.garrett1993_ESO wrote: »
Except half-races are a thing.
In the ES world you take your mother's race but you seem to inherit many of the father's traits. There is no reason another hair color couldn't be plausible.
I'm not necessarily against limiting color but sometimes it's literally just a half dozen different shades of the same two colors, and nothing else.
That can really kill customization.
I so want half races in elder scrolls six be an Imperial cross orc that way i would be human, elf,orc.
RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »Odd as the last Imperial that I made two days ago has black hair and I had the same choice for the hair color that I always had since pre-release. No, it is not blue-black of anime but the same black that exists in nature.
My friend bought the game and Imperial edition by my recommendation and said that Dunmer / Breton can have black hair. Is this for real? He played an Imperial through all of his ES games with black hair and was crushed when brown was the only option for darker hair colors. Not sure why he wants it to be black, but I can sympathize with trying to make it like it has been with previous years of ES games.
Did he miss that or does ZoS really not have a black hair color for Imperials and Nords?
MornaBaine wrote: »I have an Imperial with black hair. Perhaps it isn't the "blackest" black but it certainly IS black. And my Imperial is female.
Female has black but not male, very odd?
MornaBaine wrote: »
If that is indeed the case, then yes, very odd indeed. And clearly a bug I think, which needs to be reported.
My friend bought the game and Imperial edition by my recommendation and said that Dunmer / Breton can have black hair. Is this for real? He played an Imperial through all of his ES games with black hair and was crushed when brown was the only option for darker hair colors. Not sure why he wants it to be black, but I can sympathize with trying to make it like it has been with previous years of ES games.
Did he miss that or does ZoS really not have a black hair color for Imperials and Nords?
I JUST made an imperial girl and she has black hair.
ZephyrWestwind wrote: »I also have an Imperial Male, black hair. The option I chose was the bottom right color square.
ZephyrWestwind wrote: »I also have an Imperial Male, black hair. The option I chose was the bottom right color square.