Most players need more than five abilities on their bar in end game content. Since we can't actually do that, we end up having to use two of the same weapon, so we can swap weapons and access our second skill bar. For players that dual spec, they end up needing two sets of gear, four weapons, and they're constantly swapping abilities and items depending on the fight. It would be much more convenient if there were an equipement swapping feature for out of combat, similar to the in combat weapon swap we've already got. Then we could have two equipment sets, one with our equipment for our primary role, and one with equipment for our secondary role.
Anyone who's used Wykkyds Outfitter knows how awesome a feature like that is. It only works out of combat, but it lets you swap entire sets of armor, weapons, and abilities with the click of a button. It'd be nice if equipment swapping were a feature of the game: the equipment wouldn't take 7-14 slots of our bag space.
Edited by Earthwardzilvox_ESO on April 19, 2015 10:26PM Bright light casts a long shadow