Dark Vigor bugged?

The tooltip for this ability says:

Each Shadow Ability slotted increases your Max Health by 2%/3%

I have tested this and it appears that only 1 ability registers against the bonus. Slotting additional 2/3/4 abilities does not seem to have an effect. Can anyone else confirm this?

1 x Shadow Ability : +2%
3 x Shadow Abilities: Should be +6% but is still +2%
Honor is a dead man's code.
  • Zargorius
    No NB out there to confirm this? Well, looks like I'll just have to /bug it.
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • olsborg
    The same issue with the magicka passive from support tree(AvA). 1 skill slotted gave 10% magicka regen, but 2 skill slotted did not increase to 20%.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • olsborg
    Also, stat increases such as this and for instance from structured entropy, when slotted on one bar, but not on the other, you effectively loose these stats upon every weapon swap, so in essence its a wasted stat increase, unless its stamina/magicka because you get the dps increase from the max stat even if you have to regen it back when you switch back.

    Same for stat increase bonuses from item sets, such as torugs pact, where the 3 set bonus is 1k health, if you have torugs pact weapons (staff) and switch weapons, you loose these 1k health upon every wep swap even if you switch to a weapon of the same set (torugs pact) wich is a wierd behavior.

    PC EU
    PvP only
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