Sorry for the noob questions, but i didn't see a "new player forum" or the like.....
So, I am just starting out....level 4 and level 8 chars...and I have been saving materials i find and deconstructing items for mats....but running out of bank space quick, and I don't seem to be able to make much of anything yet, so I cannot use up the is this supposed to work? Am I looking in the wrong
Big can i find more recipes? I have only one for a tea...yet, again, tons of mats to use up....can i learn by experimenting somehow?
Is there no "server market" for sales between players?? I see these "guild vendors" here and there but none ever have anything to purchase....
Please point me to a good guide, if there is one....'cause this all seems awfully muddled....much more so than even in Beta....