um, sorry to burst your bubble, but most console players do not even have a keyboard EVER connected to their console, let alone believe it to be a must.
um, sorry to burst your bubble, but most console players do not even have a keyboard EVER connected to their console, let alone believe it to be a must.
besides, they have already said they tried to put it in, for all you know, they were having some problems with it and that is why they gave up.
Also, are you sure they will not have an LFG? not having one seems like you are WANTING the game to fail at this point in MMO history.
Peekachu99 wrote: »um, sorry to burst your bubble, but most console players do not even have a keyboard EVER connected to their console, let alone believe it to be a must.
Are you kidding me? Log into an actual console MMORPG and you see nothing but LFG spam. I know that for a fact on DCUO and FFXIV. A good deal of console folk that play MMORPGs have standardized the practice of communicating via text. Do you own or play a console MMO?
Peekachu99 wrote: »um, sorry to burst your bubble, but most console players do not even have a keyboard EVER connected to their console, let alone believe it to be a must.
Are you kidding me? Log into an actual console MMORPG and you see nothing but LFG spam. I know that for a fact on DCUO and FFXIV. A good deal of console folk that play MMORPGs have standardized the practice of communicating via text. Do you own or play a console MMO?
on FF14, the main thing you see is the predetermined words that you can say from a list.
Also, ever hear of random dungeon grouping, you know, the thing that EVERY decent MMO in EXISTENCE has........
Peekachu99 wrote: »um, sorry to burst your bubble, but most console players do not even have a keyboard EVER connected to their console, let alone believe it to be a must.
Are you kidding me? Log into an actual console MMORPG and you see nothing but LFG spam. I know that for a fact on DCUO and FFXIV. A good deal of console folk that play MMORPGs have standardized the practice of communicating via text. Do you own or play a console MMO?
on FF14, the main thing you see is the predetermined words that you can say from a list.
Also, ever hear of random dungeon grouping, you know, the thing that EVERY decent MMO in EXISTENCE has........
um, sorry to burst your bubble, but most console players do not even have a keyboard EVER connected to their console, let alone believe it to be a must.
besides, they have already said they tried to put it in, for all you know, they were having some problems with it and that is why they gave up.
Also, are you sure they will not have an LFG? not having one seems like you are WANTING the game to fail at this point in MMO history.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
I'm a little confused about the situation.
Is it that the console version of ESO does not support keyboards for typing, or that there is NO text chat at all?
If there is text chat but using the ps4's/xbones build in on screen keyboard I am fine with that, a little disappointed because I DO prefer typing with a keyboard, but as long as I could still type to talk to people I would be fine.
No text chat as all Would be REALLY silly for an mmo, when so many situations call for it when trying to talk over long distances or to so many people that voice chat wouldn't work.
I can understand if they don't want keyboard and mouse for general play to keep everyone on a level playing field, but I'm sure me and many others would appreciate being able to use it for something like zone chat....If zone chat is even in, I'm so confused...
Please please PLEASE tell me I am reading it wrong and there is still text chat just with the console onscreen keyboard, I would be super shocked and annoyed at their choice if there isn't.
Yeah see, thats silly, I have seen people comparing this to things like GTA Online and Destiny when they are REALLY nothing alike.Peekachu99 wrote: »There is no chat or text interface at all, anywhere, for communication purposes.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
Don't make assumptions as that was not confirmed. It was only confirmed that a keyboard is not supported for use as text to chat but it then does confirm a keyboard does work for text entry fields.Peekachu99 wrote: »I'm a little confused about the situation.
Is it that the console version of ESO does not support keyboards for typing, or that there is NO text chat at all?
If there is text chat but using the ps4's/xbones build in on screen keyboard I am fine with that, a little disappointed because I DO prefer typing with a keyboard, but as long as I could still type to talk to people I would be fine.
No text chat as all Would be REALLY silly for an mmo, when so many situations call for it when trying to talk over long distances or to so many people that voice chat wouldn't work.
I can understand if they don't want keyboard and mouse for general play to keep everyone on a level playing field, but I'm sure me and many others would appreciate being able to use it for something like zone chat....If zone chat is even in, I'm so confused...
Please please PLEASE tell me I am reading it wrong and there is still text chat just with the console onscreen keyboard, I would be super shocked and annoyed at their choice if there isn't.
There is no chat or text interface at all, anywhere, for communication purposes. As of yet, we have no idea how groups are formed other than through the current--horrid and borderline unusable--LFG panel. This game is not Diablo or a lobby based multiplayer game like Destiny. Its competing with FFXIV, Neverwinter and DCUO all of which have fully functional LFG tools AND the ability to communicate with others in game via a text input panel.
ESO needs at least one of the aforementioned, or the console versions are DoA. I understand the need for developers to keep a certain "feel" or minimalist theme to their design, however, as its 2015, certain conveniences and expectations just exist for MMORPGs. Struggling to group and communicating with limited tools does not seem like something with which players should have to contend. Why make your game less accessible? Who does that serve?
Zone chat is still there also the main storyline is only for 1 player, because story characters fill your party.ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »A single player game with group content?
Hahaha .. that's exactly what I'm hoping ESO on consoles will be. Considering how buggered their group mechanics are as far as phasing restrictions and the lack of difficulty in most content, it might work beautifully that way.
Considering that I remember ZOS talking about their ideals for the game since before beta began, and how they were trying to avoid the MMO mindset with no cooldowns or scrolling numbers, etc? I think we might see a clearer, purer version of their game.
I like the bridge between the great single-player series and the multiplayer world. I can't really admit that I'm looking forward to another MMO, even though I feel MMO's have a perfect environment on consoles if players can hurdle the different in hardware and socialization requirements.
Just my opinion. As you can guess, I've got high hopes that ESO is NOT an MMO. I used to love MMO's, but after all the spam, guild infighting, friends migrating and disappearing in other games, recruitment drives, pro-raid mindsets, etc? MMO's just aren't as fun or entertaining as they once were. Now they are more or less tedious, and far too akin to the day job I do every day.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »A single player game with group content?
Hahaha .. that's exactly what I'm hoping ESO on consoles will be. Considering how buggered their group mechanics are as far as phasing restrictions and the lack of difficulty in most content, it might work beautifully that way.
Considering that I remember ZOS talking about their ideals for the game since before beta began, and how they were trying to avoid the MMO mindset with no cooldowns or scrolling numbers, etc? I think we might see a clearer, purer version of their game.
I like the bridge between the great single-player series and the multiplayer world. I can't really admit that I'm looking forward to another MMO, even though I feel MMO's have a perfect environment on consoles if players can hurdle the different in hardware and socialization requirements.
Just my opinion. As you can guess, I've got high hopes that ESO is NOT an MMO. I used to love MMO's, but after all the spam, guild infighting, friends migrating and disappearing in other games, recruitment drives, pro-raid mindsets, etc? MMO's just aren't as fun or entertaining as they once were. Now they are more or less tedious, and far too akin to the day job I do every day.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »A single player game with group content?
Hahaha .. that's exactly what I'm hoping ESO on consoles will be. Considering how buggered their group mechanics are as far as phasing restrictions and the lack of difficulty in most content, it might work beautifully that way.
Considering that I remember ZOS talking about their ideals for the game since before beta began, and how they were trying to avoid the MMO mindset with no cooldowns or scrolling numbers, etc? I think we might see a clearer, purer version of their game.
I like the bridge between the great single-player series and the multiplayer world. I can't really admit that I'm looking forward to another MMO, even though I feel MMO's have a perfect environment on consoles if players can hurdle the different in hardware and socialization requirements.
Just my opinion. As you can guess, I've got high hopes that ESO is NOT an MMO. I used to love MMO's, but after all the spam, guild infighting, friends migrating and disappearing in other games, recruitment drives, pro-raid mindsets, etc? MMO's just aren't as fun or entertaining as they once were. Now they are more or less tedious, and far too akin to the day job I do every day.
But thats the thing, it IS an mmo.
It may move away from some of the more "classic" MMO mechanics like clicking an enemy, standing still and going through a certain rotation till it dies, which is good, MMO's SHOULD move away from this and become more action orientated, and plenty already have, but just like those other games, at the end of the day its still an MMO, and it should accommodate as such.
Its not like its some big outlandish ask, some impossible task that would be inconceivable on console hardware.
It's just text chat, something that should be in an MMO, something that IS currently in this MMO, just seemingly being removed for no reason.
If there are those like yourself who seem to not want it, then the option to turn it off will be there, nothing is lost for you, bot to those who like myself do want it, its a big loss, something that most of us would consider a standard and heavily used function from the game, for no purpose.
Anyway, I don't know if we are getting ahead of ourselves or not, although it TOTALLY looks like there is no text chat at all, there seems to be enough doubt that this may just be a big misunderstanding, hopefully one that is cleared up once and for all soon.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
Naivefanboi wrote: »Just want clear up 1 thing, zone chat is still gonna be there.
Yes thats right zone chat with no usb keyboard support, gotta type it on gamepad cause .... #logic
They also should just add mouse support while they are at it, nothing wrong with a back up plan, FF can do it, eso can too lol
Heres an email from support zone chat will still be in the game. Which is good cause thats where i buy/sell everything and
Form groups for trials/pledges
Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls team with your query regarding using the function /zone on console.
As far as we know, this function should be available, though I guess it will take some time to type your message through the notepad. Did you know there will be some voice command as well?
There will be further announcement on the specificities and function available for console closer to launch. Please remember to check our site on regular basis:Zone chat is still there also the main storyline is only for 1 player, because story characters fill your party.ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »A single player game with group content?
Hahaha .. that's exactly what I'm hoping ESO on consoles will be. Considering how buggered their group mechanics are as far as phasing restrictions and the lack of difficulty in most content, it might work beautifully that way.
Considering that I remember ZOS talking about their ideals for the game since before beta began, and how they were trying to avoid the MMO mindset with no cooldowns or scrolling numbers, etc? I think we might see a clearer, purer version of their game.
I like the bridge between the great single-player series and the multiplayer world. I can't really admit that I'm looking forward to another MMO, even though I feel MMO's have a perfect environment on consoles if players can hurdle the different in hardware and socialization requirements.
Just my opinion. As you can guess, I've got high hopes that ESO is NOT an MMO. I used to love MMO's, but after all the spam, guild infighting, friends migrating and disappearing in other games, recruitment drives, pro-raid mindsets, etc? MMO's just aren't as fun or entertaining as they once were. Now they are more or less tedious, and far too akin to the day job I do every day.
It is an mmo they have raiding, trading, and pvp. Hopfully you can get over the chat log, u can toggle it off.enjoy eso.
they have already said NO, to keyoboard support, thus no matter how much you whine about it, it is not coming.