(I have not sleep yet so it might be fill with weird sentence, I apologize ^^)
So this is it! You decide to purchase this nice new leopard mount into the crown store. Of course like all the purchase you make you already know it will simply appear in your collection and so you decide to press the "U" key to check it out but something seems odd... it is not there? There is no leopard there!
-After a moment to look into your inventory, your collection again, you suddenly realize something else odd just behind all these windows in the background; A Khajiit interrupt you. He seem nervous, always looking around him and shady. He put something in your hand and close your fist then speak something in a language you must admit you are lacking (which remind you that you haven't been to the Mage guild much lately to stimulate your brain with foreign language) and by the time you pounder on these strange words he simply run away...
-Confuse you open your hand and look at what's in it. After closer inspection you find a necklace with a beautiful talisman that seem to have the shape of a leopard with a scrap of parchment. Now it remind you that you still have not receive your awesome mount from the crown store but this is very intriguing and you decide to click the parchment; (because you pass here every day and god knows how many time you did all the quests around here and that was not part of the plan for sure!)
-It is a drawing ... of badly "drawn" daedra shape of werewolf and Hircine hunting a great magnificent leopard creature... you suddenly realize it look quite like the awesome uber cool mount you just bought in the crown store and a "pop" sound from your quest log manifest to inform you that it as been update with what seem to be... well, a quest? You seem to recognize where is the region that Hircine and his werewolf seem to be hunting this leopard and quickly decide to investigate. You pack up your stuff, put your best "uber awesome colourful of your choice gear which for the occasion seems to be fitting that the tones goes with the colours of that new mount you are suppose to get" and hop on your pony to adventure!
-Arriving at the destination you think, it's the place! But... you do not see anyone or anything around. You decide to take another look at the old parchment...! it seems to have change...! And something is written in a language you can actually understand! It say: "Behind...you...". You feel a little nervous about the idea flowing through your head of all these creepy jump scare you see in horror puppet show and imagine Mr. "Creepy"O"gorath Cheese lover Prince" with a creepy smile behind you.
-Slowly you turn and... it's the khajiit! but... he's does not seem himself... you try to touch him but your hand (or paw... or tail... or toe) pass right through him. He seem to speak to you in your mind and you understand what he is saying: "My friend... I need your help... Ursine is hunting, his werewolf are hungry... my friend... need your help... now that I have been... the... the talisman! Will guide you... Open the way... save him..." and he vanish...
-This is where everything becomes clear, you... understand... this purchase you did... it was not just a purchase on the crown store but a goal... a fun and intriguing way to get your reward and this talisman will lead you to your new friend... your new companion for your Tamriel life. An adventure that you will not forget and tales of how you saved it will be sing by bards (unless they keep getting killed in every tavern of Tamriel by "seem to be funny jester" players) until the end of time... or until they forget about it. Good luck and may the eight and this talisman guide you!
Sorry it was a little long but I believe everyone can get the idea here of what is "the idea". Imagine having to go toe to paw against the mighty Mehrunes Dagon to get him off his Nightmare Courser and show who's the boss in this oblivion plane! Or finding this poor little Bravil retriever puppy in the wild alone, scared under the rain (quite strange for a dog who loves the water but it's just a puppy for now) and you know you just could not let him die there so you quickly show him a bone from your last mighty dead foe you decide to kept to show how awesome you are but feel that this little puppy might need it more than you do to end up realizing that you just gave him the only thing he needs to be your best friend forever... love and care! All this in the form of quests of course.

By the end of this post if you press "U" while in the game, you might not find them in your collection but it could be the way tomorrow they would end up there...

Pieryv SilverWolf