I will NOT update the topic here anymore, go check out tamrielfoundry for updates of the build.
I will just post a short version of the build here with some examples, the full build can be found on >
If ppl are looking for Magicka Templar DD build check out
@EgoRush build on tamrielfoundry:
I also want to thank ppl that helped me a lot testing things and improve the build:
@halfbadger @Jeckll @Jahoel
I would also like to get some advice from some ppl that run the same or a similar version of the build, maybe we can improved even more.
I am especially interested in improvment of Championpoints allocation.
https://youtu.be/IUaK_X7JQyUChampion System
194 CP atm. There might be better options but that is the setup I run at the moment.
The Tower
-Warlord – 31
The Lover
-Mooncalf – 34
The Ritual
-Mighty – 59
-Piercing – 0
-Precise Strikes – 5
The Steed
-Medium Armor Focus – 1
-Spell Shield – 23
The Lady
-Hardy – 30
-Elemental Defender – 20
-Thick Skinned – 14
RaceRedguardis the far best if you have the choice, Adrenaline Rush is way too good to pass on.
Adrenaline Rush passive: lets say every 3 seconds 700 Stam. So a Fight with a duration of 99 seconds it will tick 33 times, means you have around 23k free stamina from that passive. So I hope all get the importance of that passive.
Non-Redguards might want to invest into some more Stamina Recovery instead of raw weap dmg.
Imperial would be 2nd choice.
Woodelfs also offer some good stamina bonuses
Mundus Stone
The Warrior is the way to go, I did testing with Shadow or Thief, but you gain more from that Weapondmg bonus from Warrior.
Stats and Set combo
These stats are with no pvp buffs. (pact ftw >.>)
I used Silverside perch pudding Foodbuff for Health+Stamina. +(3,8k health+3,5k stam)
Also, I am a WW for the 15% extra stamina.
Ravager: It procs of biting jabs and caltrops, that means it is up around 90% during a fight
1x Sword Precise + 1x Mace Sharpened (Gave me the best Results in case of overall DPS)
(on tamrielfoundry you can find more setcombos if you do not have access to such sets)
2 Setups: Dualwield/ Bow — 2Hander/ Dualwield (2nd setup on Tamrielfoundry)
( For some Bosses like Manti/Serpent/Stage 10 VDSA I use slightly different setups, I usually use there Rending Slashes and POTL)
Dualwield/ Bow setup: (weapon damage buff from Potions)

Bar 1
Quick Cloak – Reduces enemy AOE dmg by 20% and you get 40% speedbuff for 4 seconds.
Steel Tornado – One of the best AoE skill atm because of its 11m range. Crits for 12k on low health mobs.
Biting Jabs – This is your main damage skill both used for AoE (8m range) and for single target. 1 cast gives you 4 hits and this skill also procs Valkyn Skoria set.
Blazing Shield - Great ability to protect yourself.
Evil Hunter – Crits for up to 12k on mobs if it procs, has to be up versus Undead all 24/7 and on other fights I activate it at the start./ Repentance – Slotted for the 10% stam recovery bonus if you have stamina sustain issus.
Ulti: Flawless Dawnbreaker – Increases your Weapon damage, if you cant get your Shooting star ready in time, you can also use this ulti it does good damage.
Bar 2
Poison Injection – Start using this skill at 50% of Bosses HP and only use it when you switch to 2nd bar for Caltrops or Ulti.
Anti Cavalry Caltrops – Has to be up 100% of the time, deals very good DoT damage.
Scortched Earth – In AoE situations 100% uptime.
Blazing Spear – I only use that skill if i can throw it before mobs spawn or when Tank needs spears
Evil Hunter – Crits for up to 12k on mobs if it procs, has to be up versus Undead all 24/7 and on other fights I activate it at the start.
Ulti: Shooting Star – Make sure the boss stands still when you use it, best damage Ulti atm.
Stamina sustain and Stamina RecoveryStamina Recovery – Templar has the advantage of the 10% stamina rec buff from repentance or radiant aura. Currently I am using Radiant aura because healers use repentance.
I am also using 2x Bloodspawn because it gives 117 Stamina Recovery bonus and nice protection. With Bloodspawn set and Potion buff or Radiant aura buff(both give Major Endurance buff) I am currently at 1,2k Stamina Recover with dualwield compared to 1k with 2hander. I really feel the difference of the 200 more Stamina recover it is pretty nice.
Stamina sustain – You and most of your teammates rely heavely on the healer due to Spears AND the most important skill repentance. If you have stamina builds in your group and your healer doesnt use those skills slap him in the face and tell him to use it on dead mobs!
Those numbers are
without pvp buffs.
Usually i get around 14k+ on Mantikora and 15k+ on Serpent. If I had pvp buffs would be 2-4k higher.

Bloodspawn DPS Test Stam+Magicka Temp (magicka temp build:
VDSA Stage 7 Templar Stam DD
Wayrest S. vet Templar Stam DD
You can find many more videos on my youtube channel, I will also add new videos from time to time so you can see the build in action:
Also, if you just started or want to start a Templar here a small levelin guide: