Helpzzzzz (spoilers)

I've done the daggerfall main quest tree times but with my 4rt alt... I've lost the quest...
Now i need to go in stormhaven after i've defeated falchou and done evrithing in the glemumbra map and simply i dont have any quest if i dont remember wrong when i enter sthormhaven i have to save from daedra a guard captain that after this send me to the king...
Someone know what i have to do?

  • Tonnopesce
    Mmmm the quest i need is "a dangerous dream" and i've searched for all tree the questgivers but none are in the place they are supposed to be...
    Ty vegaroth but no soluton

  • Sandmanninja
    either do a ticket and ask for a list of uncompleted quests in that region.
    I read that tip here, did so, and got back on track!

    Go to a site (dulfy is great) and work BACKWARDS. Start with the quest you want to get.
    Scroll up on the site.
    Go to the previous quest hand-in.
    I've having to do that on my main - missed some quests in early zones.
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