DK's where are our Talons!!

Since the patch today I can no longer see the talon animation that grabs the mobs. I am not the only one.. I ran pledges today with 2 other DKs and noone cold see any of the talons we used... it shows your hand raising and FTC shows the damage and it roots them and you can still use the impale synergy... but nothing feels like a kick in the B*lls like no talons.. Please fix this asap pls..
  • Phinix1
    Wow, it is almost like you totally missed this existing thread with a ZOS response at the very top of the forums!

    Search is my friend.
  • Lylith
    a number of animations seems to be missing or intermittently functioning, e.g. destro staff attack loading and then some.

  • Dontezz
    Yeah was just looking through all the posts on the forums.. there seems to be a lot of visual effect problems..
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