Figured we could all use a break from the standard keep to keep zerging we mastered already.
But have you all yearned to explore and fight on various points on the map?
Well I do and with that said I want to issue a call to arms for the following:
1) all factions and all guilds to meet at various points in Cyrodiil. Stop all keep versus keep general play for entire weekend. (Unless duel conditions say to fight in a keep)
2) all servers to participate to accommodate for home settings and AP gains.
3) 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, full raid vs full raid, etc. Size determined per fight prior to fight. That means no attacking other factions till duels are decided (we can still PST each other right?)
4) force reset the server campaigns via equal keeps equal scrolls equal resources. This way current scores don't tip unfavorably in another teams hands, etc.
Anything I missed that would be a great addition? Or a problem? We have one week to decide, gear up, and rally the guilds.
I feel this a good idea.
Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
- Guild-lead for MV
- Filthy Casual