Hello all,
Id like to make a post to touch on something I have been dealing with for months and it has gotten worse the past few weeks.
Game Crashes. Happens to me mostly in Sanctum Ophidia and occasionally in Veteran Dragonstar arena. Last night in my guilds Sanctum run, we had 3 players crash. Its usually 1-3 crashes on an average run. Which of course makes things like speed runs nearly impossible unless we get lucky. Heck just running outside to reset usually involves 2 people getting an endless loading screen, 2 people crashing and takes about 20 min to reset a group. For myself, I usually crash at least once per Sanctum Ophidia or Vet DSA run. I also get random occurrences where my game doesn't crash but suddenly im back at the login screen out of nowhere. No interruption in connection or anything. Which is so frustrating and I feel like im letting down my guild. I don't run a powerhouse of a computer. I play on a medium scaled laptop. I run repairs on my game regularly to make sure things are in order. I play on medium-low graphics. I have plenty of ram and its not a connection issue. If it were just me, id say okay its my computer or something wrong with my client. But its not just me. I know many people who have the same or similar issues. Surprising I don't crash as much as I used to in Cyrodil but SO and VDSA are still as bad as ever. Ive sent in a email to ZOS and they asked me to run that report thingy and they came up with a cookie cutter response blaming my video card because it doesn't have 9999999999 gigs of ram built into it. I mean come on the game doesn't work optimally with 99% of video cards out there? A lot of people like myself play on medium scaled or normal computers or laptops. Not everyone has a 10000$ gaming rig and I know for a fact, my video card IS NOT causing these crashes.
Let me know your thoughts and ZOS id love a response to about the recent increase in crashes
GM of We Wipe On Trash
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VR14 High Elf Templar
VR14 High Elf Dragonknight
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