nlantoncub18_ESO wrote: »I have a build idea that I want to toss to the forums to see what everyone else thinks. I was recently told that health regen is the most useless stat to buff. When I am told that something isn't viable, I try and find a way to make it viable.
What I am considering is stacking health Regen using the following skills/items/sets (in general these stats are for blue vet 14 items unless otherwise stated):
Orgnum's Scales (5 pieces): +112 health regen and 150% health regen when below 60%, what's not to love.
Hist Bark (4 pieces): +112 health regen, and other side tanking benefits.
v5 health regen food: an additional +435 health regen, well that's cool.
Health regen enchant (gold quality): +64 health regen.
Serpent Stone (and 4 divines armor pieces): +256 health regen
Robust: 130% health regen, normally useless, but not today
Constitution (7 pieces heavy): 128% health regen, solid.
You do a little math and the following results.
2141 health regen between 100% and 60% health (wow...)
3212 health regen between 60% and 1% health (super wow...)
Correct me if I am wrong but this comes close to matching (if not surpassing) HoT's dropped by even well tooled healers.
What does everybody think?
~4.5K HPS is for Party as I stated above, that's 4 targets. And for Trials (if all 11 are within a short range of me) 10.5K+ HPS is reasonable for FunnelBlade builds. Still, the point I was making is even with a very good Health regen (1600 HPS+) you will NOT survive any fight that matters, i.e. Veteran Dungeons, DSA, and Trials without a Healer backing you up. For Solo/Duo it would be a great way to build and probably very efficient. It also wouldn't at all work for PvP, not remotely, due to Healing debuffs and sheer volume of burst damage.nlantoncub18_ESO wrote: »DeLindsay. ,
Your funnel health heals to the tune of 4.5k hps, wow. That means it heals for 9k every two seconds. So that means your funnel health is hitting for 36k ish right. That is insane, how are you achieving that? No sarcasm intended, that is just really impressive.
What sets give health regen at 2 pieces? Are they dropped sets?
Thanks for the feedback guys.
i do this on my DK tank and have had great success.
jewelry = 3 footman slotted with stamina cost reduction (regen on jewelry sucks and your still a tank)
1 piece engine guardian
2 piece vampires kiss
2 piece song of lamae
2 piece orgnum
2 piece oblivion foe
full heavy slotted with reinforced +health regen passives
health regen mundus
if you want more regen at a cost I don't feel is worth it
trait divines on everything for 100+ more health regen
enchant health regen on jewelry
DK's also get more health regen (+5%) per draconic power skill on their bar.
+20% regen from dragon blood or potion
+30% in combat from race
+flat number from drink
etc. more can probably be done but there is a start.
oh crap Xsorus didn't mean to try and take cred, I know someone tried it on TF but I lost the thread and had to start from scratch, glad I did so well.
so yup, Credit to Xsorus ^_^
Health Regen is the most useless Stat in ESO. Even at your listed maximum 3212/2 seconds for Health Regen (which is very impressive) you're going to require a Healer to survive. You also have to give up on other Tank stats like increased Armor/Spell Resistance as well as cost reduction for your own abilities in order to build a high regen set meaning you will take more damage than other Tanks thus require more Healing and you may run out of Magicka/Stamina faster than other Tanks.
Let me put it to you another way. As a NB DPS (Magicka based) my Funnel Health heals Party members to the tone of ~4.5K HPS (compared to your listed maximum of 1.6K HPS) and in Trials I've seen my HPS as high as 10.5K, as a DPS. Actual Healers in Trials can push out over 30K HPS.
It's a nice thought trying to push the envelope of what can be done but sadly Health Regen just isn't viable to Tank anything of merit in ESO at this time.
I'm a NB Vampire Tank and have almost non-existent Health regen (in the 200's) and I can say for a FACT that I have zero issues Tanking all content even though I'm not a DK. I also Tank with NB and Sorc Healers regularly. So how exactly is it mandatory for me as a NB to spam Health regen in order to Tank? I'm not saying Health regen doesn't help, I'm saying Health regen will NOT allow a Player to Tank any content of significance without a true Healer backing you up and to get upwards of ~3400 Health regen you WILL have to sacrifice other stats like hitting Armor/Spell Resistance cap like I do on my Tank therefore you WILL take more damage than I do on the same encounters, nullifying some if not all of that Health regen.Brasseurfb16_ESO wrote: »People keep saying health regen is a crap stat because they all think about the current "meta" comps but they also completely forget that if you don't play with those same "meta" comps in mind that health regen is pretty much mandatory if you don't want to rely on a Templar for healing or do not play DK tank.
People keep saying health regen is a crap stat because they all think about the current "meta" comps but they also completely forget that if you don't play with those same "meta" comps in mind that health regen is pretty much mandatory if you don't want to rely on a Templar for healing or do not play DK tank.
its also useful as a dk in corrosive armor, as you can res a few people if things go bad while your regen heals any damage that your corrosive armor has mitigated. plus armor and spell resist bonuses on armor sets pale compared to simply having reinforced heavy and using a skill to get the major bonus's (Templar rune focus, DK spike armor, Sorc lightning form, etc. etc.) even hist can be replaced with evasion, and footman only looses you out on 1 set of health recovery if you want it.
plus a non imperial tank can easily hit 30k hp without food, if your still getting bursted something is wrong.
is it god mode? not even close.
does it replace a healer? nothing probably ever will.
does it combined with other skills, sets, and abilities still create a good tank? oh yeah.
nlantoncub18_ESO wrote: »When I am told that something isn't viable, I try and find a way to make it viable.
plus a non imperial tank can easily hit 30k hp without food, if your still getting bursted something is wrong.
You don't "need" 30K Health to Tank anything in ESO short of a few HM Trial Bosses, and even then it's still not a requirement IF you are hard capped for Armor/Spell Resist which is 32,500. It's assumed that you would reach hard cap with both Minor and Major Wards active, although NB's have no way to gain Minor Spell Resist themselves while Tanking unless you run Resto Staff off-Bar so it's wise to get your Spell Resistance to +/- 27,380 without Major going. I watched a pug Tank (someone in group knew him) Tank all of AA with 21.4K Health in 7/7 Light Armor which wasn't even Tank oriented just because he wanted to do more damage output. The only time he died was when the rest of us died as well, and this was with 1 Templar and 1 NB Healer. He did switch to true Tank gear to hold the Mage's Axes though and had 28K Health or something but was constantly out of Stamina.nlantoncub18_ESO wrote: »I got to be honest Wing (an I am little ashamed to admit it), I easily push 30k armor and 26 spell resist with all of my actives rolling, but I am having real trouble getting 30K health without food. I am hitting around 24k ish right now. What am I missing. I run NB with blue health enchants if that helps.
I still don't get bursted down or one shotted, but I feel like I could be even better.
Maybe I should invest more than 30 points into health... But then I sacrifice versatility. So many decisions.
I'm a NB Vampire Tank and have almost non-existent Health regen (in the 200's) and I can say for a FACT that I have zero issues Tanking all content even though I'm not a DK. I also Tank with NB and Sorc Healers regularly. So how exactly is it mandatory for me as a NB to spam Health regen in order to Tank? I'm not saying Health regen doesn't help, I'm saying Health regen will NOT allow a Player to Tank any content of significance without a true Healer backing you up and to get upwards of ~3400 Health regen you WILL have to sacrifice other stats like hitting Armor/Spell Resistance cap like I do on my Tank therefore you WILL take more damage than I do on the same encounters, nullifying some if not all of that Health regen.Brasseurfb16_ESO wrote: »People keep saying health regen is a crap stat because they all think about the current "meta" comps but they also completely forget that if you don't play with those same "meta" comps in mind that health regen is pretty much mandatory if you don't want to rely on a Templar for healing or do not play DK tank.
As for your comment about Funnel Health I will once again point to my saying PARTY HPS and TRIAL HPS, I also even stated how I have achieved pretty high SOLO HPS.
Brasseurfb16_ESO wrote: »its also useful as a dk in corrosive armor, as you can res a few people if things go bad while your regen heals any damage that your corrosive armor has mitigated. plus armor and spell resist bonuses on armor sets pale compared to simply having reinforced heavy and using a skill to get the major bonus's (Templar rune focus, DK spike armor, Sorc lightning form, etc. etc.) even hist can be replaced with evasion, and footman only looses you out on 1 set of health recovery if you want it.
plus a non imperial tank can easily hit 30k hp without food, if your still getting bursted something is wrong.
is it god mode? not even close.
does it replace a healer? nothing probably ever will.
does it combined with other skills, sets, and abilities still create a good tank? oh yeah.
At last someone understanding that health regen isn't a bad stat!
I am currently recovering as much info around every possible ways to increase health regen, max health and armour/spellresist. I will be comparing all those values when I'm done. But with all the things I have already been able to collect, health regen is a very strong contester with Armour/Spellresist and some options are clearly favorable to health regen.
I'll post my math when I'm done still have a lot of information to recover.
Brasseurfb16_ESO wrote: »As for your comment about Funnel Health I will once again point to my saying PARTY HPS and TRIAL HPS, I also even stated how I have achieved pretty high SOLO HPS.