Exchanging Set Items - Non Crafted (EU)

Like everyone else, I imagine, I am picking up lots of pieces that are part of sets. As I tend to run lots of alts, I am saving these 'for a rainy day'. However, I now have some duplicates, and to be honest, some of the sets I wouldn't use anyway. Is there any mechanism for swapping with others in a similar position?
  • charles_crowe
    Well, you could ask around in /zone or in any trade guilds you're in. Though i imagine you could use this thread for a larger scale. Keep in mind that folks will value some set pieces more than others, and call other pieces worthless.
  • Xerger
    Shouldn't you be posting those items into the Guild Stores to make them available to all for a price? And if you will ever need a set piece you can just run through each kiosk with a nice filtering addon and buy everything you need.
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