Building a tank with echanting?

I just want to know if I am doing this wrong in terms of surviving stuff. Currently am VR1 about to be VR2, hooray for taking 2 weeks for 1 level, but what I need to know from a numbers stand point whats best for tanking. Currently I have the damage shield proc on my weapon. On my shield and armor I have it crafted and blue using the infused enchantment. Its a crafted set, I can't remember the name but you get a damage shield when your health is low. I been thinking of changing this to something like reinforced or divines to use the mundos stones. Most of my enchants are green, I am saving my purples for closer to the end game. Initially I was doing the lets enchant it all for health thing but I started running into stamina and magicka problems in the 40s. Any advice?
  • Nestor
    Armor Enchantments are always Magic or Stamina, along with most if not all of the Attributes on my Builds. A tank may benefit from more Health, but my tanks in the past have always done Magic or Stamina Focus and let the Health be stock.

    You would be much better off with a Jewelry based glyphs that reduce Physical or Magic Harm (basically increases your armor) The shield that processes off a hit only processes every few seconds, has a cool down, and is not much of a shield to begin with. Run Disease, Poison or and Elemental damage Glyph on your weapons.

    Run Infused on the Head, Chest and Legs and Shield if you have one, so you get more from the glyphs. Those are 3/4 good pieces to put Green or Blue or Purple Glyphs on. For the other 4 pieces, Reinforced would be good for a Tank.

    Divines is only worthwhile if you are going to have 4 pieces with it, and those are improved pieces to boot (Green at least). Even then, your only going to get like 1% or 2% more of a buff. So, Reinforced may be better for the 4 smaller pieces of armor for a tank.

    Also, if your tanking, be in heavy armor. It can be done with Medium, but not Light unless you run shields
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Celless
    Hi Mansome,

    You mentioned having some resource management issues with stamina and magicka.

    For stamina, some of the things I've seen involve:
    1) taunting everything instead of the big hitters for most content
    2) blocking many enemies without any enemies dying
    3) using skills aggressively like a DD role

    If you find your play style is more like #2, you may benefit from Shield-Play enchants, even white ones. The Sword and Board passive with the Heavy Armor passive goes a LONG way. Having Defensive Posture slotted will help too. And though the Shield-Play accessory enchants lose their potency with all those percentages, it adds up when you have multiple attackers.

    Also consider using blue stamina and magicka recovery drink instead of max stat food. May require some tweaking of the stats to find the right spot.
  • Athas24
    On my tank I rock only Magicka and Stamina enchantments and 90% of his Attributes are plopped into HP. The enchantments make up for the stam/magicka needed honestly. Then, you want to combo your item sets. You can easily do 2 complete item sets with a sword and shield. You can craft them to increase Armor and to do spell resist bonuses. I typically do one natural set *one that you find that has jewelry included* and one I craft. You can get TONS of resists this way. I also am a WW on my tank so he benefits from the stamina regeneration. Hope that helps!
    ...OverTwerked & Underpaid.
    Rajaat04 in game @Athas24 on forums
  • Mansome
    I did the were wolf thing as soon as I started back playing so that has helped a ton. Although now I am at a point where I can't transforms anymore. I am not sure if it has to do with the Falchu quest arc or not. But whenever I change I stay human but can wield a weapon and use the werewolf heal but no other attacks or skills. Also I am having the worst time finding Jewelry, they really need to add jewel crafting to this game badly.
  • Nestor
    To bad your not VR10, I have an Unassailable Set, it's tailor made for Vampires. I have all the pieces, Jewelery, Armors, Shield.

    I will unload the entire kit for 2000 gold.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • yake82
    This is what i do:

    1. Close to 32500 resistances
    2. Good hp buffer, close to 25k
    3. As much regens as possible

    Im running with reinforced Willow armor, around 24k hp using purple drinks.

    Spamming Extended Chains to gather mobs for aoe is the only thing that really strains my magicka.
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