the Vaults of madness - no quest at all - this is mad.. SPARTA!

I have just finished the vaults of madness dungeon with three other random people,
nobody in the group had the quest for the dungeon, there is no NPC outside nor inside the place that any of us could talk and pick up the quest.

I am level V1 and have finished the map and the story, so i don't think that i am too early in the story for the dungeon.

also tried to reenter the dungeon alone as the ARX CORINUM dungeon have a similar bug, when you enter as a group you can't pick the quest, but if you enter alone ( not in group) you can pick up the quest and exit the dungeon . but in this case i couldn't find the quest giver even when not in group.


waiting for the bug to be fixed.

Nine worlds of lore, Such was the world in dark days of yore
Safekeeper of the world then was Thor, Such was what they believed in before
Nine were the worlds of lore
  • netsike
    We finished this dungeon today with my friends and a random, none of us got any quest! No NPC was in the dungeon, we didn't see anyone there... Once I finished it with another character a long time ago and then everything was fine. Pls fix it!
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