Costumes in character selection

When Tamriel Unlimited launced and I received quite some crowns, I deceided to buy some costumes for my Breton Templar.
The shining white armor fits perfectly with my character but unfortunatly it's missing on my character during character selection which is really a waste :(
Is their a reason for this and is it possible to change this one day.
I would love to see my Breton in all its shining glory during characterselection!
  • Zimnel
    I had a very funny bug with the selection screen and costumes. I use an addon to change my character clothes depending on the situation. Mostly I use "battle" and "crafting" config. While crafting I only use the vending/inspiration enhancers and an outfit, because I'm constantly changing my equipment.

    When I return to the character screen selection... my character looks almost nude XD because the selection screen is not showing his outfit!
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