As someone who doesn't play a werewolf I always wondered why WW fur color doesn't match the player's hair color.
Argonians dont have hair!!
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »...
KhmerShadow - Will Werewolf Berserkers ever get a change in fur color to differentiate from non-morphed werewolves?
We like this idea, but currently we don’t plans for werewolf color variations.
Okay how much does ZOS want to get paid to do turn berserker into black berserker??
I am convinced right that many people would join in just so we can get what everyone wants, something that I thought is important to ZOS. A customers request and desire.
How about this suggestion, setup a donations tab for Berserker Werewolf Black Fur, ZOS decides what they want to paid.
The amount doesn't have to be displayed. Can be displayed in % in how close the donations are to meeting target and then if it meets what ZOS desires, ZOS will need to do it because both sides get what they want? I don't see how this will not benefit ZOS. Sure I am maybe a little obsessed about the black fur but u never know I could be one of many.
@ZOS_AJ @ZOS_BasileA @ZOS_AlanG @ZOS_SamuelB @ZOS_ThaliaH @ZOS_JoeBlackburn @ZOS_JasonB @ZOS_UlyssesW @ZOS_RobertM @ZOS_FelixP @ZOS_Olivier @ZOS_Dan @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_HugoP @ZOS_JaredR @ZOS_SebastienLP @ZOS_VaughanP @ZOS_NickKonkle
And just to add.. I understand ZOS have there own plans and the development of the game is best done your timing but what if a system could be put in place that supports that. For obvious reasons redevelopment is done in order to satisfy the clients needs. If u didn't need to satisfy that wouldn't be there. I am sure if ZOS were to put up The-Peoples-Choice-Development-Plan (Just for example) and then put a list of suggestions users have created but is not in plan because ZOS doesn't have the time and energy for. Add a donations target system to that and if the users meet the needs of ZOS then you can change your plans because that will in most cases Im sure supply the energy you need. You will get the money that you would need for something else within production of the game.
My suggestion is my opinion so I don't expect this to be accepted but I thought you may.. just like it. Hoping you do!
>< I really want that black fur. Swear id almost do anything for it!
starkerealm wrote: »
Then they shouldn't have fur!!!
If you really want to use werewolf form to actually do damage, you virtually must be "Pack Leader" because heavy attacks incerases duration of werewolf transformation. You have just to buff up with Rousing Roar and Hircine's Rage, keep claw's DoT up and then use Heavy Attacks + Piercing Howl (one of morphs) to make sure that you will stay transformed whole fight (not a big deal to do more then 10k DPS).
So I don't really care about berserker's color, I'm pack leader and I love my white fur...