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Enchanting is stupid

I am a lvl 50 in enchanting.

It is the very worst design of any crafting style I have ever seen

You take a potency rune say lvl 5 and its good for some 40-50 and some vr1-vr3, but if u take a different lvl 5 potent rune it will only make vr1-3

I am sure I am not the only one that thinks enchanting is more than broken.

All you needed to do was make your potency rune's 1 type for each 10 levels until Vet1, then they bump to 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 and on.

Make your essence rune's dictate what the glyph will be, and the aspect rune's where fine.

Thanks for listening or reading my rant.

[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Bashing & Slanderous Comments]
Edited by ZOS_ArtG on April 10, 2015 7:34PM
  • MissBizz
    Just commenting so I remember to come back and explain enchanting to you.. And then you will notice it makes perfect sense.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • eNumbra
    A problem caused by the Level/VR Level barrier makes a crafting skill line stupid.

    Yes, a clear, rational and intelligent line of thinking.
  • Darkonflare15
    Yeah enchanting is perfectly sound crafting system. My problem with crafting in general is that there is no reward for reaching level 50 other than you can crafting higher level gear. There not even a passive that really reward us when we reach that high. It was leveling up my crafting skills but now that I leveled them they are just uninspiring. My only complaint with the crafting in this game.
  • crowfl56
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Just commenting so I remember to come back and explain enchanting to you.. And then you will notice it makes perfect sense.

    Ok after a good nite's sleep, I can see I was a bit harsh but apparently I did miss something important on how enchanting is not just all wrong ;).

    So please explain, here or ingame is good.
  • MissBizz
    Alright @crowfl56, you may be confusing some things. One potency rune does not do 40-50 AND VR1-3, but some potency runes with the same Potency level do.

    Let's talk before VR for the sake of easier explanation.

    For every Potency improvement level (you know, where you have to put a skill point in to be able to craft higher level items) there are 4 possible potency runes. 2 of these will do the initial level gap (level 1-10) and 2 will do a mid gap (level 5-15). Now, let's work with the lvl 1-10 ones.. I mentioned there would be 2.. why? One potency rune is "additive" and one is "subtractive". AKA - they make your glyph do different things. Example: An additive potency stone use may ADD a damage shield to yourself, but exchanging only the potency rune in the same glyph may cause your enchant to SUBTRACT armor from your enemy. There are 4 different potency runes per potency level so that you only have to put a skill point in every 15 levels, not every 10.

    Unfortunately, when you come around VR, you start with your usual 40-50, but with VR there is really no "mid gap" so that potency improvement level also covers Vr1-3.


    Pora (potency) + Dekeipa (essence) + Ta = Lvl 40-50 weapon glyph that deals frost damage.
    Denara (potency) + Dekeipa (essence) + Ta = VR1-3 weapon glyph that deal frost damage.
    Hade (potency) + Dekeipa (essence) + Ta = Lvl 40-50 jewelry glyph that adds frost resistance.
    Idode (potency) + Dekeipa (essence) + Ta = VR1-3 jewelry glyph that adds frost resistance.

    Pora, Denara, Hade and Idode are all Potency level 5. Pora will only ever make Lvl 40-50, Denara only ever VR1-3. It's just they have the same "potency level" - which must be what you are looking at.

    Feel free to ask more questions if you want

    Enchanting Cheat Sheet
    YouTube Video Guide
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • MissBizz
    I forgot to mention. Once you get fully into VR levels, each potency level will only do one set of level gaps.

    Example: Potency level 6 will only make VR3-5. There are only 2 potency stones per potency level once you fully get into VR.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Mansome
    They really need to fix this. I had a new build totally planned out only t get derailed by this a few runes covering the level range thing. Its more confusing than it needs to be.
  • MissBizz
    Mansome wrote: »
    They really need to fix this. I had a new build totally planned out only t get derailed by this a few runes covering the level range thing. Its more confusing than it needs to be.

    How would that effect your build? Really, check out the cheat sheet, you won't be confused any more.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Natjur
    Enchanting is getting redone when they remove the vet levels, and they will fix up the two types of T5 (Pora, Denara, Hade and Idode) runes at the same time
  • I_killed_Vivec
    The only problem I had was that the enchantment levels didn't match the material levels for crafting gear. And as it used to be particularly difficult to level up in enchanting it was all too easy to outstrip levelling.

    My fault for levelling crafts as I levelled my character...
  • ArRashid
    I can only say that I loathe the enchaning as a whole just because of it's leveling.
    I mean, you can level up provisioning and alchemy really fast (virtually all the time you can cook/mix better stuff than you can use on your level). You can level up woodworking/blacksmithing/clothing on par with your character level as well.

    ONLY ENCHANTING levels up 2-3x slower. You have literally no chance keeping up unless you trade runes with several other players or ask whole guild to support your efforts, because there's no way of doing it just from drops/gathering, unlike every other profession.
  • bellanca6561n
    Enchanting is a bit obtuse, true. And it's broken in places, such as armor stat enchants (Stamina, Magicka, Health) in the VR1-10 range that require different potency runes for VR1-3, 3-5, 5-7, 7-9 yet yield the same value. When you get to Monumental (VR10 and up) the values do rise.

    The aspect runes provide a further means of raising value but the difference between Rekuta (purple) and Kuta (gold) is small yet the Kuta runes are far rarer and cost, on the market, much, much more.

    I wouldn't call it a stupid system really but it's not as conceptually accessible as those for carpentry, tailoring, or smithing which are easily leveled in the course of basic adventure questing and employ easy to acquire materials you can amass a ready supply of by breaking down quest loot or acquire inexpensively on the open market.

    Compared to the truly comprehensive crafting systems such as Ultima Online, with its complex material properties - each material has its own profile for resistances to physical, fire, poison, cold, and energy damage - tools properties with a complete reforging system tossed in, this system has an excellent balance between effect and complexity in my opinion.

    Materials here have but one property: Level. Crafted sets and their bonuses offer a second level of customization. Enchanting offers a third. Sets are gated by research and research is gated by time and number of traits, research time increasing as the number of traits you have researched grows.

    It's an intelligent balance given that nothing easy can be valuable yet you can make worthwhile crafted pieces as you level your character and find yourself making competitive crafted sets by the time you reach the higher levels with your character.

    The days of master crafters being game world superstars, when people would wait in line for ages, materials in hand for an appointment with a master crafter to make things for them, and the queue to see a crafter was a primary social activity are long over.

    Those days went away as the sheer novelty of being in a digital world with other people from around your country and around the world - once such as astonishing concept - became as common as guar ;)

    I'm impressed, frankly, by how these game developers have managed somehow to preserve a taste of that for a contemporary audience. Many of them remember those days. Many of the people responding to your support tickets remember them too.

    Sorry....I do go on......
  • ArnoTerranova
    Hi people,

    On the contrary, I like very much the mechanistic of enchanting, use 3 different runes to get your enchant, hear the words as the incantation is pronounced, its realistic and funny. The best system I ever saw in fact.

    The author of the post should I have precised he found the "level issue" of the T5, but as Natjur said, it will be fixed. Though I agree less potency runes could bring more clarity to the craft.
    Also, the fact that enchanting is slower that other crafting systems is well known by now, and probably will be improved in the future.

    I would like to propose another smaller issue: most of the item are already enchanted. This strongly reduce the need for enchantment (most likely, useless during character leveling), and once at max. level, v134, the interactions needed with "Master Crafters" to get high quality runes is still limited as all armor already have enchantements of excellent quality.

    As Bellanca rightly pointed out (and I quote because it was beautifully said) "The days of master crafters being game world superstars, when people would wait in line for ages, materials in hand for an appointment with a master crafter to make things for them, and the queue to see a crafter was a primary social activity are long over."

    However, I would like to see some improvement in the enchanting system, specfically:
    - If most items were without any enchantement (just a trait or nothing), well enchantement would be popular and items with enchantement praised by all. For instance, I would feel much better if most (not all) green, low level items had no enchantement on it, just for the sake of role play. Moreover, if blue items had enchantements by opposition to green items, well, it would appear even better by comparison.
    - A visual help on the gear: for example, the rune produced by the crafter can be inserted within a "slot button" on each Armor/Accessory piece. It would help to distinguish enchantement from traits, which is confusing for new players (and even player like me).
    - The possibility to remove/deconstruct the "runes" from armor already enchanted could be appreciated by some players, although I do not like it myself.
    - Also, to support crow in his rant, improve the clarity of the system, a little less Potency Rune could be nice (1 stone /10 levels for examples, no real need for 5-15 increments I think).

    Thank you for reading,

    Your opinion?

    Fatty White-Claw (lvl 50+) heal trial pve
    Koros Bone-Shield (lvl 50+) tank trial pve
    Koros Lust (lvl 50+) dps pve, pvp
    Seiri (lvl 50+) dps pve
    Wildfire (lvl 50+) dps pvp
    EU-PC - Playing since April 2014. (beta)
  • TheRealDoc
    Considering you only need level 40 to make any top crafting item, I still wonder why people complain about needing level 50.

    Sure at 45 you get a research passive, but you don't need anything beyond 40.
  • Chuggernaut
    TheRealDoc wrote: »
    Considering you only need level 40 to make any top crafting item, I still wonder why people complain about needing level 50.

    Sure at 45 you get a research passive, but you don't need anything beyond 40.

    I wonder the same thing???
    My comrades have returned. I erect the spine of gratitude. You are a hero today. - Bura-Natoo
  • helediron
    ESO enchanting is flexible system and you need to pay attention what you do. All the information is in the tooltips. I prefer this sytem rather than dumbing it down to a really big red button that does something.

    I think spreading the potencies more evenly and match them with skill level IS a good idea. There are too many of them at lower levels and they are hardly used at all. Buying the glyphs directly from vendor is easier. I myself keep only potencies 6..9 in stock.

    I do hope this game adds more to master crafting like tenth and eleventh traits with amazing sets locked to them, or after crafting another hundred monumental legendary glyphs would squeeze an extra percent of power into them.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • Cristiano
    I'd just like to see the enchanting UI improved. There are some add ons that help a lot, but the base UI is horrible.
  • Mansome
    TheRealDoc wrote: »
    Considering you only need level 40 to make any top crafting item, I still wonder why people complain about needing level 50.

    Sure at 45 you get a research passive, but you don't need anything beyond 40.

    So when they add more stuff later thats less you have to grind for it?
  • DaveMoeDee
    TheRealDoc wrote: »
    Considering you only need level 40 to make any top crafting item, I still wonder why people complain about needing level 50.

    Sure at 45 you get a research passive, but you don't need anything beyond 40.

    I didn't realize there was a research passive. My main is level 44 in enchanting and I have an alt at 40. I was leveling another alt because I might want to delete my level 40 enchanting alt, but I guess I'll try to get my main to 45 first.
  • Nestor
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »

    I didn't realize there was a research passive. My main is level 44 in enchanting and I have an alt at 40. I was leveling another alt because I might want to delete my level 40 enchanting alt, but I guess I'll try to get my main to 45 first.

    There is not, for Enchanting anyway

    So, no need to go above L40 in Enchanting to make gear. Note, your higher level glyphs really load on the Inspiration, so just making Glyphs for your VR9 plus characters, especially Blue and better, will rocket the Enchanting skill up.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Glurin
    My problem with crafting in general is that there is no reward for reaching level 50 other than you can crafting higher level gear.

    Not true. Once you reach level 50 in a crafting skill, you're rewarded with the ability to dye your armor a slightly different shade of a particular color that you probably already unlocked several shades of. :wink:
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • DisgracefulMind
    ArRashid wrote: »
    I can only say that I loathe the enchaning as a whole just because of it's leveling.
    I mean, you can level up provisioning and alchemy really fast (virtually all the time you can cook/mix better stuff than you can use on your level). You can level up woodworking/blacksmithing/clothing on par with your character level as well.

    ONLY ENCHANTING levels up 2-3x slower. You have literally no chance keeping up unless you trade runes with several other players or ask whole guild to support your efforts, because there's no way of doing it just from drops/gathering, unlike every other profession.

    I disagree that it's slow now. Before they buffed the XP, it took almost all my leveling gold on my old main, and so much farming and struggling to find enchanting partners to trade glyphs with (this was before there were tons of max enchanters). Since the buff to enchanting xp, I've been able to max 3 extra characters in enchanting for hirelings. Never ever did I think that was going to happen. Working on a 4th now. Most of it is from drops too. If I'm at enchanting 30 or something, I will just give some runes to someone to make me a few enchants to decon and hurry it up to 32.
    Enchanting SHOULD be a bit difficult to level, in my opinion. Glyphs are perhaps one of the most important additions to your gear ingame, and they can affect your whole gameplay. It's one of the most important crafts.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
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    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • HeWhoCaresNot
    Inspirational Glyph of Deconstruction. Only 5500 crowns.
  • geosto1b16_ESO2
    contrary to the belief of all that agree with enchanting , i would like to agree that it is beyond stupid.. no need for ESO apologists to reply. I have level 50 /cp 160 sabatons enchanted that adds 351 stamina.. i have a level 160 glyph that says "adds up to 802 stamina"... I put the Sabatons into the enchant window.. and check the new level.. WHAT! not only does it NOT increase the stamina from 351 to 802 it actually DROPS the level to 324... now there is no hand book here, buy hey I can incease my legs and chest and hat with NO PROBLEM, but my hands, feet, and waist too I might add result in this STUPID variation, so what is SO SPECIAL about the hands and the waist that is different from head body and legs.. why cant the game be just straight forward without all this COMPLETELY STUPID IRRELEVANT divergance... you enchant to improve.. if you cant improve.. whats the point... someone somewhere in a room decided this would be fine, then a load of others agreed.. what I want to know is WHY? except only too take the proverbial out of the players...
  • SirAndy
    what I want to know is WHY?
    Because if all armor pieces gave the full amount it would be hopelessly overpowered. That's why the "small" pieces of armor only give a reduced amount.

    Not understanding the enchanting system is not the same as it being stupid.

    PS: Also, holy thread necro!

  • ADarklore
    I love the, "It's stupid because it doesn't work how I think it should work" mentality. This was the same in other MMOs I've played... chest, legs, helmet usually gave the highest enchantment while gloves, belt, feet, tended to give lowest.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Gilvoth
    in the single player game morrowind, only the dark elves would enchant things for you until you developed what took a LOOONG time to get your enchantment up to par.
    here in eso tho we not only see EVERYONE enchanting enchantments but also the Nords doing it, where in morrowind it was completely obvious that Nords are pretty much right at the bottom of the list of intelligent beings.
    which is an insult to morrowind to see how they have reversed that here in eso.
    and i do agree with the fact that here in eso we see enchanting simply does not have intelligent design.
    in no way am i intending to insult, simply stating what the view is from this end of the game as per my knowledge of elderscrolls experience. = feedback
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