Thread should be named we suck so lets zerg them.... yup typical AD right there. Why not work on communication and tactics??? Nope to hard lets just zerg thier asses
ishilpatelb14_ESO wrote: »And EP has double the players that DC and AD have combined plus their lag machine so yeh we definitely need to gang up on them
golfer.dub17_ESO wrote: »Are you guys serious?
Every night I play EP is getting tag-teamed and destroyed by AD and DC.
Several times AD was doing nothing but baiting and farming us while we only owned like Kingscrest and Arrius.
ishilpatelb14_ESO wrote: »
Yeh dude I am begging for help, DC and AD are terrible, we need to team against EP
The bottom line is this:
This game encourages zerging, it promotes it. Ttk is insanely fast which results in folks staying close to their group so they don't play horse simulator.
Not like any of this matters anyways. I haven't sat in a que for more then 5 minutes for months. It will show DC pop locked, yet no que. You get in, only to find every keep battle is EP outnumbering 3 to 1 on a good night. Even AD gets steamrolled by this stupid pop problem they refuse to address.
They really need to get rid of travel to player in cyrodiil. They also need to address the pop problems. Everyone complains about the lag, but id rather they fix the pop problems first.
Brian Wheeler put out a graph, DC is stupidly outnumbered, yet no one wants to reroll. I see tons of new EP players every week, even AD is gaining numbers, DC is still the same pretty much, outnumbered worse now then we were before b2p.
ZOS needs to put some incentive such as faster champ point gain, more champ XP, and more AP gains for the low pop alliance, give folks an incentive to come to the lower pop faction. As it stands right now, EP can go on any server they choose and zerg it over with superior numbers. Their is probably 3 EP for every one DC and 2 EP for every one AD, no one can match the zerg sizes EP can muster.
I just laughed earlier tonight after losing a keep to 70 ep, I counted heads, AD then came in with 45 and tried to backdoor them and got promptly wiped.
God forbid no one on EP will roll AD or really DC and help balance things out, can't leave the safety of winning zerg right? It would be the end of the world to play with out a stupidly ridiclious pop advantage.
Please understand, I'm not calling anyone out. I'm expressing a lot of frustration on the DC side, EP was never outnumbered the way DC is now, and AD could use a few people too. Everything is way too lopsided right now.
, .
Being able to change factions honestly *** up balance even worse to be honest. Ever play GW2? Guilds would abandon their server without a second thought if they felt it could be better somewhere else without also incurring massive queues (and sometimes even then they didn't care). PvP players want to win. Giving them a free pass to go to the "winningest" faction if they so choose is a terrible idea. Don't think that people will self balance because the greater portion of the population will not and never has shown a willingness to.
I think that factions need to be balanced somehow, but I really do not think that paying to transfer to a different faction is one of them.
Why do I feel like OP is a troll from IR?
Why do I feel like OP is a troll from IR?
Because he is.
To wit:
Read that comment and everything becomes crystal clear.