I had high hopes for the game after not having played for roughly 8 months, more or less due to the fact that while I like the game, the veteran rank grind was just too much to bear.
We've all heard how Veteran XP is supposedly increased and maybe it is but it still takes aaaaaaages to gain levels and worst of all, braindead mob grinding in a high populated camp with a good respawn rate is up to 4 times (4 times!) as fast as questing is, not to mention the fact that doing public- or real dungeons with your friends gives virtually no xp at all.
You're either forced to take the slow, yet less painful route of questing or the more efficient route of mindlessly grinding the same mobs over and over again.
I gotta say the XP on max level is still waaaay too slow and the fact that questing and dungeoning is so inferior to grinding is just mindbuggling.