rileynotzb14_ESO wrote: »Im talking about them as a whole. So you think that heavy armor should have 4x the resistances? If so, shouldn't light armor have 4x the damage?
michaelpatterson wrote: »Depends on what aspect of the light armor yur talking about.. The armor/resists? theyre about where they should be realistically imo
Actually I say it makes more sense that more substantial armors are also better at mitigating spells.
Lets do a thought experiment
I throw a fireball at a sheet of cloth, a sheet of leather, and a plate of metal which ones will be least damaged by the fire?
(using fire since lightning can't really be applied without knowing conductivity of fantasy metals and differences in crafting)
Actually I say it makes more sense that more substantial armors are also better at mitigating spells.
Lets do a thought experiment
I throw a fireball at a sheet of cloth, a sheet of leather, and a plate of metal which ones will be least damaged by the fire?
(using fire since lightning can't really be applied without knowing conductivity of fantasy metals and differences in crafting)
rileynotzb14_ESO wrote: »Im talking about them as a whole. So you think that heavy armor should have 4x the resistances? If so, shouldn't light armor have 4x the damage?
Actually I say it makes more sense that more substantial armors are also better at mitigating spells.
Lets do a thought experiment
I throw a fireball at a sheet of cloth, a sheet of leather, and a plate of metal which ones will be least damaged by the fire?
(using fire since lightning can't really be applied without knowing conductivity of fantasy metals and differences in crafting)
michaelpatterson wrote: »Depends on what aspect of the light armor yur talking about.. The armor/resists? theyre about where they should be realistically imo
Nope, there is 0 realism.. It supposed to look like:
-> Heavy armor - highest spell resist and armor rate
-> Medium armor - high armor rate and low spell resist
-> Light armor - high spell resist and low armor rate
But in current system, medium armor provides higher spell resist than light armor, which imo is rly stupid. In evry mmo or single player rpg it looks like i wrote above.. so where we have realism here..
rileynotzb14_ESO wrote: »Im talking about them as a whole. So you think that heavy armor should have 4x the resistances? If so, shouldn't light armor have 4x the damage?
WraithAzraiel wrote: »rileynotzb14_ESO wrote: »Im talking about them as a whole. So you think that heavy armor should have 4x the resistances? If so, shouldn't light armor have 4x the damage?
Alright check this out.
Say you did this.
Go outside, wearing a hoodie and let one of your friends huck a rock at your chest as hard as they can.
Tomorrow, go outside again and this time, hold a frying pan over your chest, let the same friend huck the same rock at your chest as hard as they can.
The next day, find an old leather jacket, put it on - go outside and have the same friend yet again huck the same rock at your chest as hard as they can.
Come back to the forums and report your findings of Light, Heavy and Medium armor, what would they be?
rileynotzb14_ESO wrote: »Im talking about them as a whole. So you think that heavy armor should have 4x the resistances? If so, shouldn't light armor have 4x the damage?
Light armor needs to have the highest spell resistance and the lowest armor, as well as the highest spell damage.
Medium armor needs to have a mixture of both good and medium armor/spell resistance, and the highest physical damage.
Heavy needs to have the highest armor resistance and good spell resistance, and *** for damage.
Or they need to make LA viable again, way to squishy atm.