Adjusted how Ultimate generation is gained to make it more even across different classes and builds:
- When you damage an enemy with a light or heavy attack, you will receive a buff that grants three Ultimate per second for eight seconds.
- This buff is refreshed with each light or heavy attack.
- If you heal an ally that has the Ultimate gain buff, you will also receive the Ultimate gain buff for eight seconds.
- This only works if the ally being healed was not at full health prior to the heal.
- Abilities that previously gave Ultimate will now provide the Minor Heroism buff that will give you additional Ultimate over time.
- Ultimate can also be gained from blocking, dodging, or attacking targets with a damage shield.
Hi there
1: Ultimate seems to gain VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRy slowly not sure why ?
nalimoleb14_ESO wrote: »To answer your first question, ZOS nerfed ultimate gain as a part of their "Class Rebalancing" (a.k.a. "We need to make the Champion System relevant by having you grind EXP for champion points so you can slowly recover the stats/progress you made before update 1.6). So, no more ultimate gain through critical hits. In order to generate ultimate:
So if you explore different skills and passives (including Champion System passives) that provide ultimate, you can generate ultimate...somewhat reasonably, but it won't be what it was before.
dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO wrote: »They changed ult because with aoe cap removal the old system would give certain builds permenant ult. Its really not that bad and quite obviously necessary
Hi there
Been away for 3 months and see ESO has went F2P (Sad Days)
MY main class has always been my NB Stamina Werewolf but when I logged on today I see alot of issues with it
1: Ultimate seems to gain VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRy slowly not sure why ?
2: The Skin/Model of the were wolf is so ugly now its so Skinny and awful looking, why was this changed it looks nothing like i remember when i was playing in December
3: Bugs with changing into Werewolf still exist and health still goes down Super fast,
4: Ultimate will some times Bug and will not go up then out of know where will go to 50% 100% 5 minutes later?
I have checked forums but cant find if 1: new changes coming soon>? or 2: if they are giving customisation options for werewolfs via the Crown store
Berserker - Pure black with Read Eyes
Pack - White with Yellow Eyes