timefortrees wrote: »Hi, hi! UI sound designer from ZOS here, got your post forwarded over to me and just wanted to drop in and comment. There IS in fact a sound in the game for Synergy Available. I was going to attach the file here so you could get your ears on it, but turns out that's not an available option... but, I can help you out still, I think.
So, two things:
1. The sound. Its high qualities are quite bell-like (well...it's a bell.), a ding, like a hotel desk bell, so, look out for that next time. Maybe when you're with your buddies, try and set up a situation where you can trigger a synergy where there isn't a lot going on and you can get the noise in your head. Promise once you hear it, you won't be able to un-hear it.
2. I also went ahead and turned it up a couple db, so next time we push an audio build out the door, the sound should cut through in the mix better. It's quite noticeable when you're not in combat, but I could see in the middle of a huge battle it being something that could get lost in the mix. We go big a lot of the time.
Hope that helps!
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »Hey @timefortrees great, thanks for that. Like @gezzerb16_ESO I wasn't aware of this cue, as you say fights get a tad 'noisy'.Also of course, the Ultimate icon on the skill bar lights-up and is pretty easy to spot even out the corner of one's eye while the on-screen text can easily be overlooked at times.
While you're here .. bet you hate that.. I'm a great user of audio cues, moreso that on-screen text but there are some I'd love to be able to disable, in particular the enter/leave stealth '***'.
Is there any hidden way (meaning manual editing of a config file) where such cues can be enabled or disabled?
timefortrees wrote: »
While YOU'RE here, we have a question for you.. How would you, or any of you reading this feel about only ONE sound being connected to the sneak mechanic? Either a notification for when you enter stealth, or a notification for when you've been spotted, would that make it less intrusive? If you're into that, which one do you think would be more helpful in your life as a dirty thief?
Thanks for responding to my question, it was useful that you mentioned the sneak cue only came in with Justice, I thought I hadn't heard it at some time but wasn't sure.timefortrees wrote: »While YOU'RE here, we have a question for you.. How would you, or any of you reading this feel about only ONE sound being connected to the sneak mechanic? Either a notification for when you enter stealth, or a notification for when you've been spotted, would that make it less intrusive? If you're into that, which one do you think would be more helpful in your life as a dirty thief?
curlyqloub14_ESO wrote: »Speaking of that stealth icon...why is the eye sometimes open when you are hidden? It's a minor thing, but it bothers me immensely. It's rather misleading and confusing when the eye is open yet the text says I'm "Hidden"... I find myself wondering which is actually true. For example, what is going on here? Am I hidden or not?
timefortrees wrote: »While YOU'RE here, we have a question for you.. How would you, or any of you reading this feel about only ONE sound being connected to the sneak mechanic? Either a notification for when you enter stealth, or a notification for when you've been spotted, would that make it less intrusive? If you're into that, which one do you think would be more helpful in your life as a dirty thief?
timefortrees wrote: »fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »Hey @timefortrees great, thanks for that. Like @gezzerb16_ESO I wasn't aware of this cue, as you say fights get a tad 'noisy'.Also of course, the Ultimate icon on the skill bar lights-up and is pretty easy to spot even out the corner of one's eye while the on-screen text can easily be overlooked at times.
While you're here .. bet you hate that.. I'm a great user of audio cues, moreso that on-screen text but there are some I'd love to be able to disable, in particular the enter/leave stealth '***'.
Is there any hidden way (meaning manual editing of a config file) where such cues can be enabled or disabled?
There is not a way to disable them. We have heard of add-ons that allow you access to audio UI cues, and you can change or assign sounds to them, but we don't know about turning them off, might be something to look into though. It's a mechanic we introduced with the Justice System to help people with knowing when they've gone into stealth/spotted when running around stealing.
That being said, we are always keeping an eye out for things that the players do/don't like, or things that do/don't bother them, so, of course we can't make any guarantees about what we might change going forward, we can say that the feedback on these sounds has been on our radar for sure, has been discussed, but we're not making any decisions yet, the system is still so new.
While YOU'RE here, we have a question for you.. How would you, or any of you reading this feel about only ONE sound being connected to the sneak mechanic? Either a notification for when you enter stealth, or a notification for when you've been spotted, would that make it less intrusive? If you're into that, which one do you think would be more helpful in your life as a dirty thief?