Talking about the loading screen after you log in and before character list.
I'm currently in the loading screen after a patch, for some reason it always takes a very long time after a patch, and I feel it takes a long time even when there is no patch.
I really really really hate, sitting in the loading screen and the music plays, and than cuts off, and then comes back, and then cuts off again and comes back and cuts off again.
Very very annoying, I play with headphones so again very annoying.
I would REALLY REALLY like a loading screen like the morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, type loading screens with flash screens of screenshots with tips and useful information reminders, or something in that nature. Also, something with a % of how much loading is left for you to wait on, would be very nice too.
I just REALLY hate the current loading screen. Super annoying, seriously. Its so long and nothing really to look at, and choppy music. Please improve it, make it faster, make it have better screenshots, have % of where I'm at in the loading.
I'm a somewhat advanced computer person and hearing choppy music and just seeing something in bottom right corner go round in round to ensure computer hasn't frozen isn't enough. Something could be pretending to load and music being choppy and computer could be frozen. I just, DO NOT like the loading screen, cannot stress it enough!