Food and Drink Added to the Crown Store

Community Manager
Hello, everyone!

Today, we introduced new food and drinks to the Crown Store. You will be able to purchase stacks of 10 for 400 crowns. These items will generally be better than vendor-purchased food and drink, but not as effective as those that are crafted. Below are the items we added, and their function:
  • Crown Hearty Health Hash: Food that increases your overall health
  • Crown Mystical Mince Pie: Food that increases your overall magicka
  • Crown Staunchness Stew: Food that increases your overall stamina
  • Crown Healthy Vigor Liquor: Drink that increases your health regeneration
  • Crown Star-Magic Tea: Drink that increases your magicka regeneration
  • Crown Endurance Tonic: Drink that increases your stamina regeneration
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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