I just made a bosmer named Restless Valkynaz (female) with horns and noticed some players in general chat told me I should make a Daedra Guild. I haven't giving much though about it and wondering if anyone willing to filling in or support it? I know it sound kinda lame or silly, just random name I used and just popped up with this ideas.
If this does kick in, will need to have a role, Bios, etcs. And one more thing, my character only lvl 12, not planning on advancing quickly and want to enjoy the game. If you are interesting, you will need a exotic name, I don't want any funny or goofey names in my/this guild. All I can say I want this to be mature guild and pve/pvp as well helping out players within the guild. Roleplaying is good too!
Note, some of you guys may already bumped into me or have spoken to me in general chat. So please no flaming or trolling in here, if you are interesting let me know.