Guild Trader Spy Issue

I remember seeing a post somewhere about this going to be sorted, the history part thats displays what is the bid for a specific guild trader but I noticed that problem still exists!

Theres nothing worse than spies, why should it be easy for an member to get invited into guild and have such admin rights?

ZOS really needs to fix this!!!
Leader of The Werewolf Legion, DC WW PVP Guild for Azura, we either pvping or training for pvp. If interested in joining send me an invite, brutiss.
  • Blockz888
    Ah someone needs to say something
    Leader of The Werewolf Legion, DC WW PVP Guild for Azura, we either pvping or training for pvp. If interested in joining send me an invite, brutiss.
  • Valymer
    Global auction house. There, I said something.
  • Blockz888
    Arrgh u all spies!
    Leader of The Werewolf Legion, DC WW PVP Guild for Azura, we either pvping or training for pvp. If interested in joining send me an invite, brutiss.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Blockz888 wrote: »
    I remember seeing a post somewhere about this going to be sorted, the history part thats displays what is the bid for a specific guild trader but I noticed that problem still exists!

    Theres nothing worse than spies, why should it be easy for an member to get invited into guild and have such admin rights?

    ZOS really needs to fix this!!!
    The only thing that needs fixing is the lack of a real economy everyone can participate in.
  • hiyde
    This WAS addressed. Only those with "Bid on Guild Trader" permissions can see bids in advance.

    Otherwise, the info is not public until after the kiosk bids process. THEN the entire guild can see what was paid (or if the bid failed, how much it was)
    @Hiyde GM/Founder - Bleakrock Barter Co (Trade Guild - PC/NA) | Blackbriar Barter Co (Trade Guild-PC/NA)
  • Keron
    I guess you are referring to the issue that every guild member was able to see the current guild trader bid in the interface? I can't confirm the fix, but I have read in the German forum that as of 2.0.2 this was again only visible for guild leaders.

    If this is confirmed, then this issue seems to be fixed already.
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Valymer wrote: »
    Global auction house. There, I said something.

    Agree x200. No matter how great this game becomes. This AH system hurts more than helps.
  • Blockz888
    hiyde wrote: »
    This WAS addressed. Only those with "Bid on Guild Trader" permissions can see bids in advance.

    Otherwise, the info is not public until after the kiosk bids process. THEN the entire guild can see what was paid (or if the bid failed, how much it was)

    Okay but one of well trusted members tested it. I demoted him to member that didnt have the permission for bids and he could see it. But this EU server 2.02. Maybe there was a problem and so on 2.03 it back to normal :/
    Leader of The Werewolf Legion, DC WW PVP Guild for Azura, we either pvping or training for pvp. If interested in joining send me an invite, brutiss.
  • hiyde
    Blockz888 wrote: »

    Okay but one of well trusted members tested it. I demoted him to member that didnt have the permission for bids and he could see it. But this EU server 2.02. Maybe there was a problem and so on 2.03 it back to normal :/

    I tested this, too. What I found was, if you had permissions and saw the bid and THEN get demoted, you still might see THAT bid. But not future ones.

    @Hiyde GM/Founder - Bleakrock Barter Co (Trade Guild - PC/NA) | Blackbriar Barter Co (Trade Guild-PC/NA)
  • pema
    Auction house?

    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site
  • Robotmafia
    pema wrote: »
    Auction house?


    what is the argument against an AH? it would greatly increase the amount of people you can sell to and generally lower the price due to an increase in supply...

    Bigger market is good for the sellers and they can make up for the price drop with the increase in volume...
    Lager supply and more products to choose from for the buyer.. and would just over all be more convenient..

    I don't see the issue

    Robot Who Owes Money: Look into your hard drive and open your mercy file!
    Donbot: File not found.

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