So, I was running through Torog' Spite (Bangkorai), and I ran across a few things that piqued my attention.
"This mine once eked out ore to its diligent Breton miners, but has long since been given up to Orcish raiders from Wrothgar."
It should be noted, that while v14, I haven't gone through the Bangkorai Delves since before they were expanded, so this actually came as a surprise.
Both armors (Heavy and Medium) are of a unique style that I can only assume is Wrothgarian Orcish.
I wonder if this style will be released when Wrothgar is open. Seeing as there are few discussions of this type (I couldn't find any
), feel free to post any unique and under the radar armor styles here that you've come across in your travels! Many would be surprised how many there are out there than haven't become craftable yet, but more the reason to share them with the public!