Reaching Armor Cap: Advice

I play as a Templar healer almost exclusively in PvE content, but lately I have been doing a lot more PvP than usual. I do ok and can dish out some great damage and/or heals from afar, but being in full light armor my survivability is quite low. I recently decided to make a switch to heavy armor for PVP...I'm currently using 5 heavy/1 med/1 light. With drinks rather than food, I don't have too many magicka issues, but my survivability has pretty much doubled. It seems to be fairly effective in PvE heals are weaker and not as spammable, but I'm often the last person alive in a group if we run into trouble.

My armor values seem to be quite low though, compared to others I've talked to in full heavy armor. I'm at 20k spell resist/14k armor at the moment. I know that a lot of tanks I play with are basically at the mitigation cap with 32k of both. I don't really know where the difference comes from though...if it's from buffs, set bonuses, or other. Obviously a shield will help out a bit too, which I don't use. Does anyone have any advice on ways to get my armor a bit higher, without sacrificing too much? I know I probably can't hit the cap without going full tank mode (which I don't want to do), but I'd like to try and get my armor above 20k or so. I'm using 4x impen now on the crafted pieces in my set...I could switch those to +armor, but I think that that would lower my survivability. I've also been testing out channeled focus a bit in PVP, but I don't really like it for that application since space on my PVP bar is at a premium, and it takes out some skills I'd rather have access to.
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