I wanted to post here, in the event that someone might have solutions I haven't tried. I am still in contact with Customer Support, but as time goes on their responses are further and further apart. I haven’t heard from them in over a week, for example.
I can only log into a character after many, many failed attempts being stuck at Infinite Requesting Character Load. When I select a character to log in, I would say I have maybe a 30% chance that I will not be stuck at Requesting Character Load. If I do get stuck, then I will exit the game and try again and again and again until I am able to log into the game.
Once I am in-game, I have a stable connection, provided I don't attempt to use any zone-transferring boats, wayshrines, portals, instances, etc. I will almost always get stuck on these zone transfers. Often, using a wayshrine or a boat will cause me to be disconnected to the login screen with error “<<1>>”.There are times when it is necessary to enter a portal or dungeon for a quest. I am usually disconnected on the attempt to load in, then I have to struggle with Requesting Character Load again. It can take hours to finish a dungeon quest because of entering and exiting the instances. Group content is out of the question.
Things I've tried:
- Reinstalling Windows 7 and all drivers
- Repairing Game launcher (many times)
- Moving “depot" folder to Desktop, then running Repair
- Reinstalling ESO, moving it to another drive
- Calling my ISP to ensure that all TCP/UDP ports for ESO are open
- Disabling Automatic configuration Script and Proxy Server in Internet options
- Performing a clean boot
- Deleting personal settings in Internet Explorer
- Deleting all "host.developer files" in the Launcher folder which contain numbers only
- Flushing DNS
- Power cycling the router
- Updating router firmware
- Bypassing router and connecting PC directly to LAN
- Disabling firewalls, adding exceptions in antivirus programs
- Not only disabling addons but completely removing them from the ESO folder
- Running ESO on Minimum graphics settings
- Editing the Registry, adding "EnablePMTUBHDetect" with 1 value in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tcpip\parameters\"
I have a new computer that I built for gaming. It can easily run this game, or any other, on Ultra. I have no Internet connectivity issues beyond ESO.
CS indicated that the problem could be related to packet loss I am experiencing “at the 8th jump in [my] trace router, the specific IP address is” I have little or no control over this jump somewhere in Germany (I’m in Ukraine). But keep in mind that once I am in game (not using wayshrines or similar), I have a stable connection with no problems (avg latency 60). I am able to download patches without issue and login (just not load characters).
I played ESO several months ago using this same ISP, without problems.
Shouldn’t packet loss affect my ability to play all the time or stay connected to the megaserver? Also, why is it that I am eventually able to log in if I just keep trying? Is there some way to “save” the path that is successful? What is going on?
Thanks in advance.
Edited by Xepla on March 27, 2015 11:07AM Those who listen at doors always wonder what is beyond them. - Mephala, the Webspinner