Hello everyone, I am CNpaddington and I am the guild master of the Let's Quest Guild. We are a small multipurpose (mainly dungeon recently - some PvP) guild for players of any level and are situated mostly in the EP. Recently we experienced a large but quick surge in recruited numbers but unfortunately we have been slowly dropping in numbers due to a lack of recruitment from other members. Because of this, in order for the guild to continue, we are looking into a guild merge with another small or medium sized guild with similar interests and is very much active. As of now, we have 47 members in total (formally 51), about 18-20 of those members are regularly active.
In order to preserve the heritage of our small and proud guild for me and the guild's existing and loyal members, I ask that anyone wishing to merge with us should follow a simple set of demands:
#1 We would like to be clearly mentioned in your Guild info ("about us" section) as a recognized and 'semi-autonomous' section of your guild.
#2 All of our guild members must be given equal rank and our treasurer and guild master (co-leaders of the LQG) to also be given a suitable rank.
#3 Our guild master, treasurer and officers to be given the right to recruit others into your guild.
#4 Our guild master and treasurer to be given the rights to publishing guild messages (via chat box) to members of the LQG.
#5 Our guild master and treasurer to be included in the running of the guild and major guild decisions in order to represent our members.
If you are interested in this proposition, please send an in-game message to
@CNpaddington and please include the FULL details of your guild and the FULL details of your side of the deal. I will also share the list of our members and their respective ranks if someone is interested and wished to pursue this deal.
Thank You,