Swap shield and weapon hands?

Is there a add on that allows me to hold the shield in my right hand, and use my weapon in my left?
You search and search for something, never realizing it is within and always has been. You can not find it, you can not understand it, you simply accept, and believe, and it will grow. - Heretic's Faith, Randall N. Bills
  • Ayantir
    no, impossible.
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  • thisjustin91b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Is there a add on that allows me to hold the shield in my right hand, and use my weapon in my left?


    Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and 8 users

    Click Start.
    Click Settings and then Control Panel.
    In the Control Panel, double-click on the mouse icon.
    In the Mouse properties window, click the Buttons tab and select the action for each of the buttons.
    Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, and NT

    Click Start.
    Click Settings and then Control Panel.
    In the Control Panel, double-click on the mouse icon.
    In the Mouse properties window, click the Buttons tab and change the button configuration from right-handed to left-handed.
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