I'm running a Fx-8350 at 4.2ghz, haven't bothered overclocking very much but this game makes me want to. I have been watching my Rivatuner as well. Core 0, the first core, definitely gets the majority of usage, the other cores seem to get tentatively used as if they may just have a bandaid on them for load balancing or something. I've tried OGL(I think it reset it to Dx11 though), Dx9 and Dx11 as my rendering drivers and noticed no real improvements or variations. I used nvidia inspector in an attempt to force Fxaa, the default setting is actually disallowed. The game worked for an entire five minutes with no real appearance changes and then crashed. There is a default setting for multisampling however which is set to 4x AA 4x multisampling. I imagine the newer maxwell chips may be able to force MFAA, use DSR and turn off ingame AA for some tangible improvements.
winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO wrote: »Re the cpu given that while the game is running at no point do any of the 4 cpu's hit 100% i'm concluding im not cpu bottlenecked. Its interesting that you see the first core being mainly used.. on mine all 4 cores are significantly active as the game is running. Id have to double check but yeah probably the first core the most.
SapphireThunder wrote: »The utilization doesn't have to hit 100% in order for the bottleneck to happen.
winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO wrote: »SapphireThunder wrote: »The utilization doesn't have to hit 100% in order for the bottleneck to happen.
Really? How does that work? From the other thread, sounds like you've tried it yourself.. you can get full gpu usage from eso by changing a game setting. If there was a hardware bottleneck this would be impossible?