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Elder Scrolls Manifesto for the new age :)

Soul Shriven
Here's a summary of why elder scrolls will never reach its real potential.

>:) No death penalty ( Death is an in game travel mechanic )
- Create a next of kin system that requires characters to pass on items and skills to a new character after a certain number of horrible deaths.
- Each serious death causes a scar or a limp in your character.
- You lose gear and carried items when you die.

( that said make it a bit harder to die, increase health, buffs and decrease damage. Make incapacitation a possibility so that death is not the only option)

>:) Combine PVP into the PVE Universe ( Use the cities in the game as keeps )
-Have 1 world, with 10 provinces for each faction, with 3-5 cities and important features for each province, special mines , magic features, animal preserves
forests. Things that can be used as a resource to provide a natural advantage for the faction controlling it.
-Factions can control specific offices and buildings so that the guild would be the government of that area. They could collect taxes, decide
zoning etc. ( nothing too complicated but the organization level would be the controllers for the game )
-Limit the use of AI and NPC's that have no functions
-Create a system so that free play could be as a monster, your goal would be to progress on a certain monster line against the players.

:) Create a multilevel game played at 4 different levels.
- Creature level ( you are the monsters you are forced to stay in certain roles and have specific roles you have to play. ( No more creatures standing around )
- Player level ( this would be similar to the current game and interface )
- King level ( You would have a different interface to the game and allow for creating buildings, organizations, taxes, raising armies etc, you would
swear allegiance to a God and have players as followers )
- God level ( As a god your goal would be to control and create magic / define creatures etc. Your power would be defined by the number of players that
follow you as worshipers. )

There's a lot more too this but I really want feed back before I continue. Please comment or I will just go away :)
  • vkayne_ESO
    I vote for "just go away".
  • dap2005
    Soul Shriven
    I know since most of the game is built on a game engine that can't easily be modified it's impossible to think about these kinds of things, I'm just bored because of the patch.
  • Gidorick
    I too hope ESO will someday be the game we all hoped it would be. :smile:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Kragorn
    vkayne_ESO wrote: »
    I vote for "just go away".
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I too hope ESO will someday be the game we all hoped it would be. :smile:
    I agree but I doubt we means what you're using it to mean.
    Edited by Kragorn on March 23, 2015 3:53PM
  • dap2005
    Soul Shriven
    ok so for those people that can't have a civil discussion, I'm going there

    you brought this on yourself
  • Terminus1
    It is always fun trying to think up ways to make the game more appealing through development of character and game mechanics.

    There is just one problem with your ideas:
    it does not appeal to the wide-ranging player-base that exists now. This (meaning real world) population and in fact most of the gaming world's population, is pretty close to being an "instant gratification" type modality that I hate. I LOVE a difficult game. But he player base determines just how difficult a game will be through sales (product and micro-transactions). This is why World of Warcraft did so well. They didn't WANT a hard game. They wanted a game they could win at with little management of their characters. That game is appalling to me. But I understand why it is successful. It is the very reason this title has gone B2P. They need a bigger player base - but the only way to get the bigger player base is to make the game easier...
  • dap2005
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, I do agree some of the game mechanics that WOW introduced made the game easier, they were the first to create a no penalty death system that was a slap on the wrist, they pioneered stupid insipid questing.

    The challenge would be to create a game that is fun for people of all different skill levels and interests. As ESO develops
    they might actually add a lot of the mechanics I'm thinking of ,

    but be honest how many times have you jumped off a cliff in Cyrodiil so you could avoid a long horse ride :)
    at least create a better way to travel.
  • YourNameHere
    No many people are into hardcore death mode (meaning you die, that char is 'erased' and you make another). I'll pass.

    PvP can stay where it is. If I wanted more PvP I'll play ArcheAge where you got alot of it.
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • Messy1
    No many people are into hardcore death mode (meaning you die, that char is 'erased' and you make another). I'll pass.

    PvP can stay where it is. If I wanted more PvP I'll play ArcheAge where you got alot of it.

    Archeage IS A TERRIBLE GAME. ESO has some incredible PvP features and opportunities and I'd like to see those continue to be developed, but not in the way OP described. ESO has a strong PvP community . . . . they just don't use this forum a lot.
  • Majic
    The Shadow Out Of Time
    dap2005 wrote: »
    Here's a summary of why elder scrolls will never reach its real potential.
    If by that you mean never reaching the potential of Shadowbane, I would agree with that.

    On the other hand, because ZOS didn't go that route (except, arguably, for being as bug-addled), it's also unlikely to suffer the same fate, so on balance I think we can consider that Good Thing.™ :)
    Epopt Of The Everspinning Logo, Church Of The Eternal Loading Screen
    And verily, verily, spaketh the Lord: "Error <<1>>"
  • lihentian
    what they could do is implement a hardcore mode.. like diablo 2.. where you die you lose the character.
  • dap2005
    Soul Shriven
    No not a hard core death, just something that removes you a bit more from the game.
    - losing items might create an insurance type magic mechanic
    -skills would be retained

    Doing this I think creates a sense of danger the game lacks currently, this may be added with the new justice system.
  • dap2005
    Soul Shriven
    Wow shadowbane had a death system when you died you had to watch commercials, creative but I could see how people might not want that.
    I was thinking, scars, permanent stat loss for minor things. Maybe a timer for something like prison, death timer for that character.
    Like I said make death a bit less common and have different out comes possible from encounters.
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