Here's a summary of why elder scrolls will never reach its real potential.

No death penalty ( Death is an in game travel mechanic )
- Create a next of kin system that requires characters to pass on items and skills to a new character after a certain number of horrible deaths.
- Each serious death causes a scar or a limp in your character.
- You lose gear and carried items when you die.
( that said make it a bit harder to die, increase health, buffs and decrease damage. Make incapacitation a possibility so that death is not the only option)

Combine PVP into the PVE Universe ( Use the cities in the game as keeps )
-Have 1 world, with 10 provinces for each faction, with 3-5 cities and important features for each province, special mines , magic features, animal preserves
forests. Things that can be used as a resource to provide a natural advantage for the faction controlling it.
-Factions can control specific offices and buildings so that the guild would be the government of that area. They could collect taxes, decide
zoning etc. ( nothing too complicated but the organization level would be the controllers for the game )
-Limit the use of AI and NPC's that have no functions
-Create a system so that free play could be as a monster, your goal would be to progress on a certain monster line against the players.

Create a multilevel game played at 4 different levels.
- Creature level ( you are the monsters you are forced to stay in certain roles and have specific roles you have to play. ( No more creatures standing around )
- Player level ( this would be similar to the current game and interface )
- King level ( You would have a different interface to the game and allow for creating buildings, organizations, taxes, raising armies etc, you would
swear allegiance to a God and have players as followers )
- God level ( As a god your goal would be to control and create magic / define creatures etc. Your power would be defined by the number of players that
follow you as worshipers. )
There's a lot more too this but I really want feed back before I continue. Please comment or I will just go away