Hello guys!
I came back to the game last week and I'm having some problems to find places to level up.
I already did every quest I could find (970 quests on my Achievement Marker), all dolmens, world bosses, all public dungeon quests and bosses, in other word, I did everything soloable on the game.
Back in September, they used to do Balamath runs and Wayrest Sewers to get a nice amount of XP/Hour, but yesterday I couldn't a single group for anyone of the Vet Dungeons using the group finder tool nor could I find a group to do something in Craglorn, in matter of fact, I tried to talk with someone in the area chat while I was in Craglorn and I got no response.
Well, I'd like to know where are all people? Where are people leveling? What should I do to level my VR12 since I can't find groups and already did pretty much everything I could do by myself?
Note: Please, do not get me wrong, I'm not criticizing the game nor the players, I'm just lost, cause I've been out for a while and the game changed a lot.
Istyar ~ Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion - Savior of Nirn - Hero of TamrielIstyar, the old sorcerer from Summerset Isles, Master of the Old Ways of the Psjiic Order and Grand Master of the Illusion and Mysticism Divison of Aldmeri Dominion Army.
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