Lore-wise a single player playing a Necromancer in TES games didn't matter, it was entirely plausible given what the lore says about that practice, as you acknowledge.necromancy has always been frowned upon, but was always available.
Lore-wise a single player playing a Necromancer in TES games didn't matter, it was entirely plausible given what the lore says about that practice, as you acknowledge.necromancy has always been frowned upon, but was always available.
But ESO isn't a TES game, it happens far earlier than they (when Necromancy was even rarer than in Morrowind) and hundreds of Necromancers running around Daggerfall, Ebonheart, etc. as member of one faction or other would be simply laughable lore-wise.
Holycannoli wrote: »[quote="docstrawb;160028"
I want spellcrafting before necromancy but I do want both.
Well, back when it was moreso on the table, spellcrafting would have essentially introduced it, solving both problems. It was going to be set up like enchanting, with a base, an essence and so forth. So for example [summon] [fire] [atronach] would be there. maybe something like [cast] [frost] [spike]. Then also, you would have had [summon] [fire] [skeleton], or something along those lines, giving you a skeleton pet that dealt fire damage. At least that was the conception as I understood it. It would have been amazing.
Lore-wise a single player playing a Necromancer in TES games didn't matter, it was entirely plausible given what the lore says about that practice, as you acknowledge.necromancy has always been frowned upon, but was always available.
But ESO isn't a TES game, it happens far earlier than they (when Necromancy was even rarer than in Morrowind) and hundreds of Necromancers running around Daggerfall, Ebonheart, etc. as member of one faction or other would be simply laughable lore-wise.
stimpy986b14_ESO wrote: »I've laid out ideas for necromancer skill trees several times (most recent linked below), but none got dev responses and all decended into ESO forum limbo within a few days. I think we may be barking up the wrong tree unfortunately.
stimpy986b14_ESO wrote: »I've laid out ideas for necromancer skill trees several times (most recent linked below), but none got dev responses and all decended into ESO forum limbo within a few days. I think we may be barking up the wrong tree unfortunately.
Yeah, I noticed a lack of response, too. It's is kind of disappointing on ZOS's part. I would rather hear a no and a decent reason than nothing. But in MMOs, the only way to get results is to hound. If we want it, we have to beat that dead horse.
That being said, ZOS has stated that spellcrafting has been shelved for the time being. I can understand why, as the current game still needs a lot of TLC before they can introduce game-changing systems like custom abilities.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
That's the saddest commentary I've read yet.
If you want a change, then submit feedback. If you want to inform other players that you're requesting a change, then use these forums. But this is not a pipeline to the developers, and you are not guaranteed (much less entitled to) a response from them.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
That's the saddest commentary I've read yet.
If you want a change, then submit feedback. If you want to inform other players that you're requesting a change, then use these forums. But this is not a pipeline to the developers, and you are not guaranteed (much less entitled to) a response from them.
It is the main pipeline, though. The most commonly used, in fact. One that allows the devs/moderators to see multiple resonses from players in one place. I never said I was guaranteed or entitled. But any company worth its salt WOULD respond if given the opportunity. Feedback and information happens to be exactly what this is, so I am confused by your response......
You might want to pass that along to the thousands of NPC necromancers already in the game, including Mannimarco.But ESO isn't a TES game, it happens far earlier than they (when Necromancy was even rarer than in Morrowind) and hundreds of Necromancers running around Daggerfall, Ebonheart, etc. as member of one faction or other would be simply laughable lore-wise.
for no good reason other than it was just simply overlooked/ignored/debated due to the main antagonist.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
Most companies must not be worth their salt, because most companies don't have developer responses to every player suggestion that gets posted in their forums. And the main pipeline to the developers is the /feedback form in-game. This is simply a way to have other players comment on your idea.
This idea has been brought up before, and it's been one that definitely seems to have a small chunk of the community very vocally supportive of it. But it's certainly not the most popular skill line addition that's been suggested, and based on prior development timetables, I'd say it's a way off (if it's happening at all).
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
Most companies must not be worth their salt, because most companies don't have developer responses to every player suggestion that gets posted in their forums. And the main pipeline to the developers is the /feedback form in-game. This is simply a way to have other players comment on your idea.
This idea has been brought up before, and it's been one that definitely seems to have a small chunk of the community very vocally supportive of it. But it's certainly not the most popular skill line addition that's been suggested, and based on prior development timetables, I'd say it's a way off (if it's happening at all).
Forums have always been a way for players to rally together and show developers how much something is desired in a game. /feedback is there, yes. But it isn't the only way to reach them. I have seen a lot of things accomplished through forums. Sorry if you haven't, or for some reason have a strong belief that this is a no-no. But you will live, I promise.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »[
I think you've misunderstood. I have no problem with changes being proposed via the forums. I have a big problem with people repeatedly asking for a developer response to threads. That's not how it works.
YourNameHere wrote: »
As for lorewise, it just wouldn't fit. I know I know ... but even the Altmer imprison or kill any who dabble in forbidden magicka ... necromancy.
YourNameHere wrote: »
As for lorewise, it just wouldn't fit. I know I know ... but even the Altmer imprison or kill any who dabble in forbidden magicka ... necromancy.
This has always been the case in TES games. Necromancy is a forbidden art punishable by death. Yet, as I said, you can get on any game of your choosing and summon a necromantic pet in the middle of town with zero repercussions. So to hold ESO to a different standard makes no sense. It is the most lax yet as far as lore goes. I also agree that we are a far cry from everyone getting to play as they want. I am just putting my biggest wish out there and hoping for support so it could possibly make it into the game.
KellionBane wrote: »They could just tie it into the Justice system. They see you summoning something or casting a spell... You get slapped with a bounty.
KellionBane wrote: »They could just tie it into the Justice system. They see you summoning something or casting a spell... You get slapped with a bounty.
Man, that would be a pain. It would also demand bounties against vamp and ww. People would be going broke left and right, lol.
@bloodthirstyvampirebloodthirstyvampire wrote: »I would like a necromancy class in future too. Hey mods