Leveling a sorc... viable or no? (Not QQ)

So I just came back to the game (B2P), played around with my NB (not well mind you, just enough to figure out most skill changes) and looked at PvP (which BTW lag included far beats the competition). Decided I wanted to start a low level char so I could learn mechanics in a much less "meta" environment. That toon happened to be my level 12 sorc. However looking at the forums here, it seems like there's a lot of sorc hate (not really a problem by itself), so my question is:
Based on ZoS's previous balancing (which I don't know anything about) do the current sorcs (or anyone else who's been around) worry about serious nerfs in upcoming patches?

Or is it just rock asking for a nerf to scissors while leaving paper alone?
  • Pancake-Tragedy
    If you enjoy really funny, rage-filled whispers, then this is the right class for you.

    As long as we have bolt escape, people will always complain. After a solid night of pvp my monitor and desk is soaked from all the tears.
    Edited by Pancake-Tragedy on March 23, 2015 1:21AM
    Pancake Tragedy - Sorcerer
  • sadownik
    I can only tell you about lvl 1-49 and as you poropably noticed first 50 lvls are very easy but lvling solo pve sorc is extremly so. mainly due to summoning - you get nice tank which heals you when destroyed, nice healing ranged dps summon, and some good shields. But how sorc works in endgame? No idea, sorry.
  • johndawntb14_ESO
    sadownik wrote: »
    I can only tell you about lvl 1-49 and as you poropably noticed first 50 lvls are very easy but lvling solo pve sorc is extremly so. mainly due to summoning - you get nice tank which heals you when destroyed, nice healing ranged dps summon, and some good shields. But how sorc works in endgame? No idea, sorry.

    I've very little interest in endgame PvE, primarily here for PvP if that helps.
  • Snit
    From a long-term balance perspective, it's safer to roll a DK or a Templar. Sorcs and NB's have been competing for the short end of the stick for a while, and there's no reason to suspect that will change.

    Sorcs are fun, though. The class can be a joy to play. Just don't expect to be king of the mountain.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • danno8
    sadownik wrote: »
    I can only tell you about lvl 1-49 and as you poropably noticed first 50 lvls are very easy but lvling solo pve sorc is extremly so. mainly due to summoning - you get nice tank which heals you when destroyed, nice healing ranged dps summon, and some good shields. But how sorc works in endgame? No idea, sorry.

    I've very little interest in endgame PvE, primarily here for PvP if that helps.

    You know those "Blink" type skills that offer great escapes and mobility in other mmos, but are on like 30 second cooldowns? Well you can use them 15 times in a row in this game for basically absolute kiting ability and endless escapes.

    Sorcerers are very good in PvP right now.
  • Snit
    Well you can use them 15 times in a row in this game for basically absolute kiting ability and endless escapes.

    It should be noted that all of the people who think this do not play sorcs. Also, they evidently don't load gap closers on their skill bar :)
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Tankqull
    Snit wrote: »
    Well you can use them 15 times in a row in this game for basically absolute kiting ability and endless escapes.

    It should be noted that all of the people who think this do not play sorcs. Also, they evidently don't load gap closers on their skill bar :)
    and if they do its from the contemplate resource as they stack.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Francescolg
    Absolutely, yes! You should level a sorcerer, it is a viable class!

    You have "blink" without any stronger limitations, exept the cost increase.
    But with this patch they raised the regen-cap and the magicka-cap, so...more blinks possible, etc... ;-)
    Because of this "raise" you'll also profit from your class absorb shield!
    And because of no real awareness from the developers for any "problems", you get some sort of "guarantee" that no major nurf will hurt sorcerers till 2016.

    To sum it up, the "raise" of character attributes brought a lot of nice possibilities for sorcerers, at 2200+ magic damage, or at 35k magicka and with all that cheap +magicka % increasing stuff...!

    So, you get:
    Good damage, high mobility (beside medium armor runners/dodgers), 10k absorb shield. If you are an experienced PvP'er, you will know what to do with it ;-) You even don't really have to choose, whether to spec for defense or for offense, exept magical resistances (nirmhoned on armor makes much sense now)

    Most people will tell you, that the sorcerer shield is really not worth mentioning in the forums and that Blink, errr.. I mean PORT, is a very much balanced skill.. etc.. They'll cry how much sorcerers were nurfed and beg for more buffs because of PvE, while downplaying all the goodies that came with 1.6... :-)

    Don't listen to people, just play sorc in PvP and make your own opinion!
    Edited by Francescolg on March 23, 2015 11:17AM
  • Septimus_Magna
    Sorcs are probably harder to play than other classes but once you know how to play it they are very, very strong. You have great mobility with bolt escape, high burst damage with crystal frags/curse/mages fury and probably the best shield with Hardened Ward. Keep in mind it takes a long time from most sorcs to be decent in pvp.

    Edit: Ive been playing a sorc since beta and Ive always enjoyed the class. Luckily the nerfs until 1.5 have been restored in 1.6 so I enjoy wrecking people in pvp again.
    Edited by Septimus_Magna on March 23, 2015 3:25PM
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
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