So Were is the chicken suit in the crown shop huh? It would be funny to have one. I mean we got a smith, cook, funny man and other outfits so why no chicken?
Now this is were I let Pees-In-Your-Mead Take Over For his reason why we need one Here Go's Nothing
Fellow People Of tamriel we need a chicken suit why you may ask well ill tell you why (pulls list out of pocket). Let me list the reasons
1. Well to start out it would be funny I mean a chicken suit sounds like an undaunted dare
2. the funny men jesters I think the race's of men call them have there outfits so do cooks smiths and many others
3. It would be a conversation starter think about it "O Pees-In-Your-Mead were did you get that wonderful outfit and why a chicken?" I would respond "Well my dear it came though a magic portal in the mail a gift from some short of all knowing that controls our every move" "wait so were not in control of what we do?" "well uhhh errrr Quick Magic overlord HELP' Ooook pees get to the other reasons sorry about that folks
4. I need one for Education how am I going to tech the hatchlings you eat chickens and not fellows tribe folk with out showing them 1st hand last week one of the hatchlings bit a small part of my tail off!!!! so I need one for that and I do mean need hatchlings can be vary......bity
5. and lastly well I mean think about it im sure somewhere in the world we got em in a create or a box heck I hear a mad god has one in his soup wait that cant be right uhhhh anyways they got to be some were for the magic overlord to send them via the mail always found that odd they were sent via the mail.....
Thank you pees-in-your-mead. Now Back to me I just think it would be nice to have a little silliness and as Pees-In-Your-Mead stated maybe a undaunted Dare for a daily or a reword for so many dailys? But as the host of an old tv show used to say "ID PAY A DOLLOR FOR THAT!!!!!!"
Pees-In-Your-Mead awesome lizard better stealth fighter
Proud owner of every pet in eso